How to Address Common Digestive Issues in Cats: A First Aid Guide

Addressing Common Digestive Issues in Cats

Digestive issues in cats are nothing to scoff at. If you've ever dealt with a sick cat, you know that vomit and diarrhea can make for a miserable experience. Add to that the fact that cats are ill-equipped to handle this sort of illness on their own, and it becomes clear why any vet will tell you it's vital you get them medical help as soon as possible. Digestive issues in cats can be caused by many things including viruses, bacteria, parasites, or even food allergies. There is also some evidence to suggest that stress may play a role in triggering these issues due to the way stress hormones affect digestion...

Digestive issues are common in cats

Digestive issues are common in cats, especially as they age. This first-aid guide will help you identify and treat the most common problems. Cats tend to have more digestive issues than dogs because they are more sensitive to dietary changes and can be more prone to sensitivities or allergies (the same way humans are). Some cats' stomachs are just sensitive by nature; others may have a sensitive digestive tract or GI system; still, others might have sensitivities to food, especially meats (especially red meats). Cats eat a wide variety of foods but often prefer fish and seafood as well as poultry--this means that if you're trying out new foods for your cat, try offering him something from this list first!

Problem 1: Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a common problem in cats. It can be caused by many things, including stress and dietary changes. Diarrhea can be dangerous for cats because it causes dehydration (lack of water). If you notice that your cat has diarrhea, contact your veterinarian immediately! Your veterinarian will want to know:

  • How long has the diarrhea been going on?
  • What does it look like--is it liquid or solid?
  • Is there blood or mucus in the stool?

The first signs of diarrhea include frequent trips to the litter box, listless unenthused behavior from your furry friend, and possibly even some blood or mucus present in their stool.

Problem 2: Vomiting

Vomiting is a sign of a more serious problem. It can be caused by many things, including food poisoning or other illnesses. Vomiting can also be caused by a foreign object, such as a hairball that has been swallowed whole. If your cat vomits once in a while and then seems fine, there's no need for concern--just keep an eye on him or her until it stops happening regularly.

However, if your cat continues to vomit after eating (and doesn't seem to have any other symptoms), contact your vet immediately; this could indicate an underlying health issue that needs immediate attention! In addition to being painful and uncomfortable for kitties who experience it regularly (which we don't recommend), vomiting can also be an indication of serious medical conditions like diabetes mellitus and kidney failure--so make sure you do everything possible before reaching out for help!

Problem 3: Constipation

  • Causes of constipation in cats
  • Symptoms of constipation in cats
  • How to treat constipation in cats
  • How to prevent constipation in cats

When should you see a vet? If your cat has diarrhea, it's important that you take him or her to the vet as soon as possible. The problem could be caused by too much fiber in the diet (which would make sense if your cat has been eating grass), not enough fiber in the diet (if he's suddenly stopped eating grass), an infection or disease, or even something else entirely!

Problem 4: Hairball Prevention and Treatment

If your cat has a hairball problem, there are several steps you can take to help them. First, feed a hairball diet. Second and third, brush your cat regularly and give them plenty of exercise. Fourth and fifth, give them a hairball remedy such as Petromalt or Laxatone (both available at pet stores).

If these methods do not work for you or if your cat continues to have problems with vomiting up furballs, then it may be time for an examination by the vet followed by treatment options such as medication or surgery that can fix the underlying cause of their digestive issues

If you are noticing any of these symptoms in your cat, contact your veterinarian for an exam and diagnosis

  • Don't try to diagnose the problem yourself. This is a common mistake that can lead to unnecessary stress for both you and your feline friend. If you suspect there may be something wrong with its digestive tract, it's best to get a professional opinion before administering any treatments or medications of your own devising (or those found online).
  • Don't give human medications or home remedies without first consulting with a vet who specializes in cats' health issues--and even then, proceed with caution! While certain over-the-counter drugs may help alleviate some minor ailments like nausea or diarrhea on their own terms, they could cause adverse reactions when taken alongside other medications or supplements, which can be harmful if not deadly depending on what else is going on inside their bodies at any given time (elevated blood sugar levels due to diabetes mellitus might not mix well with ibuprofen).


You may be surprised at how many common issues there are in cats, and how quickly they can develop into serious problems if they're not treated quickly. Be sure to contact your veterinarian if you notice any of these symptoms in your pet!


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