Bloodborne Pathogens Certification: What Every Healthcare Worker Should Know

Bloodborne Pathogens: What Healthcare Workers Should Know

In the U.S., bloodborne pathogens are a serious concern in healthcare settings. Its said 1 in 30 needlestick injuries result in an infection — with most cases being hepatitis B (HBV) and/or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). To help prevent this from happening, standards exist for bloodborne pathogens training for all healthcare workers. This includes administering vaccinations and performing baseline tests. Let's go over what you need to know about both of these components of certification:

What are bloodborne pathogens?

Bloodborne pathogens are viruses and bacteria that can be transmitted through contact with blood or other bodily fluids. They include:

  • HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
  • HBV (hepatitis B virus)
  • HCV (hepatitis C virus)
  • HTLV (human T-cell lymphotropic virus)

In addition to these viruses, there are other infectious diseases that can be transmitted by exposure to infected blood such as syphilis and viral hepatitis. You must be trained in how to protect yourself from all of them before you start working as a healthcare worker!

Why do I need to get certified?

As a healthcare worker, you are responsible for protecting yourself and others from infectious diseases. You can do this by understanding the risks involved with bloodborne pathogens and taking precautions to minimize them. In addition to protecting your patients, complying with regulations is also essential if you want to keep your job or avoid action against your employer.

The lack of certification can affect the quality of patient care as well--for example, by increasing their risk of contracting an infection due to improper disposal methods used by un-certified workers. Ignorance is not an excuse: ignorance could lead directly to death!

The test itself is quite easy; most people pass on their first try after studying for just one week or two (depending on how much time they have). If someone fails the test once but takes it again soon afterward without studying at all between attempts, then chances are good that he or she will fail again because there's no way around memorizing facts about bloodborne pathogens...they simply need to be learned!

What is a Hepatitis B vaccine?

The hepatitis B vaccine is a series of shots that protect against Hepatitis B. It's safe and effective and requires no doctor's visit.

Hepatitis A is transmitted through contaminated food or water, while hepatitis B is transmitted through bodily fluids such as blood, semen, and vaginal secretions. The virus can also be passed from mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth (vertical transmission).

The vaccine does not protect against viral hepatitis C, which is transmitted through contaminated objects like razors or toothbrushes; contact with blood; needles used for injection drug use; sharing personal items like straws or syringes with another person who has the disease; receiving a tattoo from someone who has an open sore on their skin; organ transplantation surgery performed using tainted donor organs (transplanted organs); transfusions from infected donors before 1992 when there were no tests available for screening donated blood samples obtained from large numbers of people in order to identify those who are most likely carriers of this infection so that they could be removed from circulation before donating again later down line after having been treated successfully by taking antiviral medications called interferon alpha-2b injections over several weeks time period prior treatment completion date required prior initiation date set forth hereinabove..

Who needs to be tested and/or receive a vaccine?

Anyone who works in a hospital or clinic, or has contact with blood or body fluids, is required to be certified in bloodborne pathogens training. This includes:

  • Healthcare workers
  • Nursing assistants and nursing students
  • X-ray technicians who work with patients' films
  • Laboratory technicians who handle bodily samples (blood, urine, etc.)

How do I get certified?

The first step to getting certified is to check with your employer.

Many hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities require their employees to be certified in bloodborne pathogens. If this is the case for you, then all you have to do is contact your employer and ask them what steps are necessary for obtaining certification. If they don't have any information or suggestions, then contact local government offices or even call up Mom & Dad; they'll probably know what's going on!

What are the differences between regulation 59 and 1855?

There are some differences between the two certifications.  regulation 59 is for healthcare workers, while 1855 is for non-healthcare workers. The former applies only to those who are exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM), while the latter covers all types of exposure regardless of whether they're coming from a person or an animal.

59 also includes HIV, Hepatitis B and C, as well as other bloodborne pathogens--but not everyone needs to be certified in order to work safely around these substances. For example: if you work with animals but never come into contact with their bodily fluids at any point during your shift then it's unlikely that you'll need any kind of certification whatsoever! In fact, most employers won't require their employees to take any sort of training unless there's some reason why this might cause problems (like if someone has allergies).

All healthcare workers should be certified in bloodborne pathogen training.

You should be aware that there are two different standards for bloodborne pathogens training. The first is regulation Standard 59 and the second is Standard 1855, which applies only to healthcare workers who work in public health or other government agencies. The only difference between these two standards is that regulation 59 requires hepatitis B vaccinations for all workers who come into contact with blood or bodily fluids, while 1855 does not require this step.

To become certified under either standard, you must:

  • Register for an approved course (which may require payment).
  • Complete classroom-based training on topics such as transmission modes, exposure control plans, and engineering controls.
  • Pass an exam on what you learned during your coursework! Once you've completed these steps successfully -- congratulations! You're now certified in Bloodborne Pathogens Training!

In conclusion, bloodborne pathogens are a serious concern in the healthcare industry. The best way to prevent infection is by getting vaccinated and certified. You can learn more about the certification process.


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