Bloodborne Pathogens Certification: What You Need to Know

Bloodborne Pathogens Certification: What You Need to Know

If you work with blood, then it's important to be aware of health hazards and how to avoid them. Bloodborne pathogens certification is a vital step in protecting your health as well as the health of other people who may come into contact with your workspace. We'll explain what bloodborne pathogens are, why they're dangerous for those exposed to them, and how you can learn more about getting yourself certified.

What is Bloodborne Pathogens Certification?

What is Bloodborne Pathogens Certification?

Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms that can be transmitted through contact with infected human blood. These include HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and syphilis. All healthcare workers be certified in the appropriate method of protecting themselves from contracting these diseases as part of their universal precautions training program.

What Are Universal Precautions?

Universal precautions are used by medical professionals to protect themselves from exposure to bloodborne pathogens while treating patients or performing medical procedures.

Who Needs to Be Certified?

Anyone who has contact with blood, body fluids, or contaminated items is at risk of being exposed to HIV, Hepatitis B, and C. Anyone who works in the health care industry and performs procedures that involve exposure to these pathogens needs to be certified as having been trained on bloodborne pathogen safety. This includes phlebotomists, nurses, dentists, veterinarians, and doctors as well as health care workers like X-ray technicians and surgical scrub technicians.

Online training courses for all levels of certification in Bloodborne Pathogens Awareness/HIV/AIDS Prevention Education (BBA). The course is free but does require registration before you can take it; once registered you'll receive an email with instructions on how to access the course materials which include videos narrated by experts from various industries such as healthcare delivery systems or law enforcement agencies such as police officers who have seen firsthand how dangerous these diseases can be if not properly handled by those who come into contact with them regularly at work sites such as emergency rooms where patients often arrive unconscious after being injured during car accidents etcetera...

How to Get Certified

There are two ways to get certified: take a course and then pass an exam, or just take an exam.

  • The first option is for people who have never been trained on bloodborne pathogens before. These courses can be taken online or in person at your local community college or university (they're usually offered as electives). They last anywhere from one day up to several weeks, depending on how much information you need to learn and how many hours of instruction are required by your state's health department.
  • The second option is for those who already know their stuff when it comes to bloodborne pathogens but wants proof that they know what they're talking about--and this includes anyone working in medical fields like dentistry or nursing as well as laboratory workers and daycare providers who work with children under age five years old (who are more susceptible than adults). In these cases, all you need do is sign up for an exam.

If you work with blood in your profession, then it's important that you know how to avoid health hazards and keep yourself safe.

If you work with blood in your profession, then it's important that you know how to avoid health hazards and keep yourself safe. Bloodborne pathogens are a serious threat to public health, but if handled properly they can be controlled. The following information will help you understand how to avoid contracting these diseases:

  • Inform people about the dangers of bloodborne pathogens
  • Be aware of the risks of bloodborne pathogens
  • Know how to protect yourself and others from bloodborne pathogens
  • Learn how to disinfect areas in case of an accident
  • Know what you can do if you are exposed to a bloodborne pathogen


It's important that you know how to avoid health hazards and keep yourself safe. Bloodborne Pathogens Certification is a good way to learn about the risks involved with working with blood. Having this certification will also help you comply with state and federal regulations as well as keep your workplace safe from potential accidents.


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