Working in the healthcare industry, you know that it is important to follow all regulations. For example, even if you don't work directly with patients, as a janitor or housekeeper, you need to comply with bloodborne pathogen certifications. But what exactly is this certification? And why do you need one? We'll take a look at both of these questions here.
What is a bloodborne pathogen?
A bloodborne pathogen is any microorganism that can be transmitted from person to person through contact with blood and other body fluids. Examples of pathogens include hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS, and syphilis.
Bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted through contact with infected blood or bodily fluids during the course of your job. This includes:
- Skin-to-skin contact (e.g., when an infected employee cuts himself while working and bleeds on an object)
- Droplet transmission (e.g., when someone sneezes while standing close enough that droplets get onto another person's skin or clothes)
- Contact with mucous membranes (e.g., if an employee touches her eye after handling contaminated equipment).
When is a bloodborne pathogen certification required?
If you work with blood or other bodily fluids, you might be required to get a bloodborne pathogen certification. This applies if:
- You work in healthcare facilities (hospitals, doctor's offices)
- You work in laboratories that handle infectious materials like those listed above
- Your job puts you at risk of being exposed to infected animals or their bodily fluids (such as veterinarians). If this is the case, then requires training for workers who have an increased risk of bloodborne pathogen transmission. An employer can also require certifications if they do not fall under guidelines; however, it's best to check with your employer first before investing time and money into the process of obtaining one on your own
Who should get a bloodborne pathogens certification?
If you are in a position where you may be exposed to blood or bodily fluids, it's recommended that you get a bloodborne pathogens certification.
Examples of professions that require a bloodborne pathogen certification include:
- Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who work in hospitals and clinics
- Dentists who deal with patients' mouths (including dentists' assistants)
- Veterinary staff who work with animals' mouths (including veterinary assistants)
- Funeral directors
People who should get this type of training include those working in law enforcement agencies; first responders such as firefighters; individuals who work at animal shelters; people who clean up crime scenes/accidents involving bodily fluids; mortuary workers; tattoo artists/piercers/body piercers - just about anyone else whose job might involve exposure to bodily fluids!
How do you get a bloodborne pathogen certification?
- You need to take a bloodborne pathogen test. This is required for many jobs, including those in healthcare and manufacturing.
- There are different types of tests you can take depending on your situation and needs. For example, some tests are online while others require classroom training before taking them online.
- Some tests cost money while others do not; be sure that you understand how much each one cost before registering for it!
- The validity period also varies widely between different kinds of certification programs: some last one year while others only last six months (and some expire after just 30 days). Make sure you research what timeframe works best for you so that when it comes time to renew your certification every few years or so--as required by regulations--you won't find yourself scrambling around trying desperately to figure out where all those old documents went when they aren't readily available anymore!
Where can you take the test?
You can take the test online, at a local testing center or workplace, and even at school or university. It depends on what kind of job you have and where you work. Your employer may require certain health and safety certifications before they hire you so check with them first before signing up for any course or certification program.
How long does it last?
The length of time that your certification will last depends on the job. If you are not working in a healthcare setting and have only been certified for less than three years, then it will expire after five years. However, if you are working in a healthcare setting and have been certified for more than three years, then your certificate will expire every year.
Some states require specific courses to become certified; others do not have any requirements at all. It is important to check with each state's Board of Nursing before applying for certification as some states require specific courses while others do not have any requirements at all (meaning they accept certificates from any state).
If you're looking for a job that requires a bloodborne pathogen certification, it's important to know what's involved in getting one and how long it lasts. You can find out more about these topics by reading our blog post on the subject.