Bloodborne Pathogens Certification: Why It's Important

Bloodborne pathogens are a serious concern for anyone who handles human blood. In the healthcare field, these illnesses can spread quickly and have potentially deadly consequences. As such, it's vital to know what your risk is of contracting an illness while on the job and how to protect yourself from infection when possible. They can lead to serious illness and even death if not properly handled and disposed of.

Bloodborne pathogens are a group of diseases that can be spread through the exchange of body fluids. They include:

  • Hepatitis B (HBV) and Hepatitis C (HCV). These viruses attack the liver and cause inflammation, which can lead to cirrhosis or cancer.
  • HIV/AIDS. This is an infection that weakens your immune system and makes it easier for other infections to take hold in your body. It can also lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), which causes severe long-term illness or death if left untreated. Bloodborne pathogens can be passed from person to person through contact with blood or other bodily fluids during employment activities such as needle sticks or injuries caused by sharp objects; bites from animals infected with these diseases; sexual contact with infected individuals; sharing needles for injection drug use; improperly disposing of contaminated materials such as used bandages/dressings discarded after treating patients who have been exposed to bloodborne pathogens--and many other ways!

The chance of contracting a bloodborne illness varies depending on the type of job you have, but it's important to know the risks.

In the United States, the most common bloodborne illnesses are HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. Other diseases can also be transmitted through blood (such as West Nile virus).

If you think you've been exposed to any of these diseases or if you're worried about an injury at work involving blood or other bodily fluids that could expose others to infection, talk with your doctor right away. If necessary they will order tests so they can determine if there was any exposure and begin treatment if needed.

Who needs to be tested?

It is required that all healthcare workers be tested for bloodborne pathogens. This includes anyone who works directly with patients, including nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals. 

All first responders must be tested as well; this includes police officers, firefighters, and paramedics. Tattoo artists and body piercing artists are also required to get certified before performing their services on customers; this is because the equipment used by these professionals may come into contact with potentially infectious materials (PIMs). In addition to these professions that require certification from an recognized organization like ours here at [insert name of your company], we recommend everyone who has contact with PIMs--even if it's not directly related or observed by patients--get themselves tested every year so they know their status as well as how best protect themselves from exposure."

What are the benefits of being certified?

The benefits of certification are many. The American Nurses Association recognizes that "certification is one way for nurses to demonstrate their commitment to safe practice and professional integrity." Certification also provides you with the opportunity to work in a variety of healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and private practice offices. In addition, being certified can help you find a job overseas or in other industries such as law enforcement or education. If you're interested in working with animals (either professionally or as a hobby), certification will allow you to do so legally without having any restrictions placed on your license by state laws on bloodborne pathogens training requirements for animal handlers.

Understand Your Risk

Bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted through blood and other body fluids such as semen or vaginal secretions. It's important to understand your risk of contracting a bloodborne illness and get tested as needed. Some infectious diseases are caused by viruses (such as hepatitis B) while others are caused by bacteria (like hepatitis C).

Some bloodborne pathogens are more likely than others to be transmitted through contact with infected blood or bodily fluids. The following occupations may expose workers to higher levels of these pathogens:

  • First responders (firefighters, police officers)
  • Healthcare workers who have direct contact with patient's blood during surgery or other procedures


If you are concerned about the risks of contracting a bloodborne illness at work, it's important to get tested. The best way to do this is by contacting a certified healthcare provider who can help you determine if you need to be vaccinated or not. If you don't know where to start looking for one of these providers, check out our list below!

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