Bloodborne Pathogens Training for Teachers

In the United States, more than 4 million people are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). More than 1 million people in the United States have died from AIDS. Another 8,000 people are diagnosed each year with HIV infection. While it may be surprising, this means that over half of all people living with HIV in the United States have never been tested for HIV infection.

What are bloodborne pathogens?

Bloodborne pathogens are infectious diseases that can be transmitted through contact with blood or other body fluids. They include HIV and hepatitis B (HBV), which are both viruses; hepatitis C (HCV), which is a virus; and syphilis, which is caused by bacteria.

Bloodborne pathogens are spread when an infected person's blood comes into contact with another person's broken skin or mucous membrane, such as the mouth or eyes. Certain activities put you at higher risk for exposure to these diseases:

  • Sharing needles for drug use--including sharing injection equipment like cookers and cotton--or tattooing with unsterilized equipment
  • Having unprotected sex without using condoms
  • Giving birth or breastfeeding if you're infected

What is the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens in public schools?

Bloodborne pathogens are viruses, bacteria, or parasites that live in blood or body fluids.

Bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted through contact with a person's blood or other bodily fluids (e.g., semen and vaginal secretions) while they are infected with one of these diseases. In some cases, people may not know they have been infected because the symptoms do not appear right away. The most common way that teachers might be exposed to bloodborne pathogens is by sharing sharp objects like needles or razors with students who have them at school--but there are other ways too!

The best way to protect yourself and others from getting sick is by practicing good hygiene: washing your hands thoroughly with soap after using the bathroom; before eating; after changing diapers on young children; when caring for someone who has been injured; etcetera...

How can teachers protect themselves from exposure to bloodborne pathogens?

Teachers and staff should be aware of the following precautions to take when dealing with bloodborne pathogens:

  • Wear gloves when handling potentially infectious materials.
  • Wear a mask if you think you may be exposed to blood or body fluids.
  • Wash hands after contact with blood or body fluids, even if it's just a small amount on your clothing or skin. This will help prevent infection from spreading further through the school community.
  • Avoid needle sticks when drawing blood samples (if possible), as they can transmit diseases such as hepatitis B and C as well as HIV/AIDS through infected blood entering into your body through an open wound on your hand, arm, or finger during collection procedures; however, this applies only if needles are not disposed of properly after use (e.,g., thrown in the garbage). Otherwise, the risk is very low because needles are covered by many layers of plastic packaging before being sold at retail stores like Walgreens - for example - which greatly reduces any risk associated with accidental exposure during handling procedures such as taking them out from storage containers inside backpacks, etc...

How can schools protect teachers from exposure to bloodborne pathogens?

You can help protect teachers from exposure to bloodborne pathogens by providing a private bathroom, changing area, shower, and sink.

If you don't have access to these facilities in your school, you may want to consider making an exception for teachers who work with students with special needs. In this case, make sure that the teacher has access to a washing machine (or at least a sink) so they can wash their hands thoroughly before leaving class each day.

You can help keep your children and your staff safe.

You can help keep your children and your staff safe.

  • Use a needleless system: Needles are the most common way bloodborne pathogens are transmitted, so don't reuse them. If you do use needles, make sure they are used only once for each patient and disposed of properly when finished with them. Do not carry used needles or sharps in your pockets; this increases the chance of being pricked by one while handling other items or even sitting down at a desk or table that has sharp objects lying around it (and don't recap discarded needles). Don't use instruments for purposes other than those intended--for example, don't use an aspirator as an oral rinse cup because this could cause cross-contamination between patients' mouths and the instrument itself.


In the end, it's important to remember that you can help keep your children and your staff safe. By understanding the risks involved with exposure to bloodborne pathogens in schools, you can take steps toward protecting yourself and others from harm. The best way to do this is by educating yourself on how these infections spread before any incidents occur so that you know what steps need to be taken right away when they do happen.

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