Bloodborne Pathogens: Why Certification Matters

Bloodborne pathogens are a major concern for healthcare professionals because they can cause serious illness and even death. In the U.S., there are two primary bloodborne pathogens: HIV and Hepatitis B. Other types of viruses, such as hepatitis A, C, and E exist but aren't common in this country.

Bloodborne Pathogens are agents that can cause disease in humans.

Bloodborne pathogens are agents that can cause disease in humans. They are found in bodily fluids such as blood, urine, and feces. Pathogens can be viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites.

When you're exposed to a bloodborne pathogen by direct contact with an open wound on your skin or through indirect contact with contaminated equipment or surfaces such as needles and syringes, you may have been infected with one of these diseases: hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human T-lymphotropic virus 1 & 2 (HTLV-1/2).

The most common pathogen is HIV.

The most common bloodborne pathogen is HIV, which stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV is transmitted through blood or other body fluids like semen and vaginal secretions. It's possible to get infected with HIV if you're exposed to infected blood or body fluids during sexual contact, through a blood transfusion, or by sharing needles (including injection drugs) with someone who has the virus.

There isn't any evidence that casual contact such as touching or kissing can transmit HIV so long as neither party has open sores on their skin that could come into contact with an open wound on another person's hand, arm, or face--and remember: Don't share toothbrushes!

It's extremely important to use latex condoms correctly every time you have sex in order to reduce your risk of getting an STI like chlamydia or gonorrhea; they also provide some protection against herpes simplex type 2 but only when used consistently and correctly over time

You can protect yourself against bloodborne pathogens by wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and using universal precautions.

Bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted when an infected person's blood, saliva, or other bodily fluids come into contact with another person's skin. To protect yourself from these pathogens, you should always follow universal precautions by using personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling blood or body fluids.

If you're working in an area where there is a risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens, it's important that you wear the appropriate PPE for your task at hand. For example:

  • Gloves should be worn whenever handling potentially infectious materials such as needles and syringes; however, if you are only going to handle them briefly before disposing of them immediately afterward then gloves aren't necessarily necessary since they can become damaged during use and may increase the risk of contamination between patients/clients/patients' families etc., depending on what kind of work environment they're operating within which could lead down several different paths depending on how serious their situation might be especially considering how many times people see doctors every week whether it's once every few months or several times each week depending on their condition(s).

Employees are required to undergo training to identify potential risks. This training includes job briefings and the implementation of written policies.

Employees must be trained on how to protect themselves from exposure. In healthcare facilities and labs, it is necessary to test employees prior to their job start date for bloodborne pathogen infections. If an employee tests positive, the facility must provide them with information on actions to be taken in the event of an exposure incident at work or home, such as the use of personal protective equipment. Employees should also be informed about symptoms that may occur after exposure, the timeframe for symptoms to appear, where to seek medical attention if they fall ill, how frequently they need to be retested after infection, who else needs testing after contact with an infected individual, and whether specific behaviors increase the risk of infection for those living with them, such as elderly relatives.

Testing for bloodborne pathogens is required before someone can begin their job at a healthcare facility or lab.

Testing for bloodborne pathogens is required before someone can begin their job at a healthcare facility or lab.

It is important to understand that testing is not just for new hires, but also for those who are already working in areas where there is potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens. This includes working with patients who have been exposed to these pathogens and working in labs where you may come into contact with them either directly or indirectly via tools used on infectious samples.

Once you have been tested, if you are exposed to bloodborne pathogens it's important that you be tested within 24 hours after exposure so that we can assess whether or not post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) needs to be administered based on your results and what type of PEP would be appropriate given those results

Because there is a risk of contracting a serious illness from exposure to bloodborne pathogens, it's important that healthcare professionals are properly trained in how to protect themselves and their colleagues from exposure.

The Occupational Safety requires that employees be trained to recognize potential risks through training, job briefings, and written policies. Testing for bloodborne pathogens is required before someone can begin their job at a healthcare facility or lab. Employees receive their training before they start working, so they know what to look out for and how to protect themselves from exposure.

Training methods include:

  • Online training modules
  • In-person safety classes
  • Written materials about safety in the workplace


If you work in a healthcare facility or lab, it's important that you are properly trained on how to protect yourself and others against bloodborne pathogens. All employees receive training on the risks of exposure and how to protect themselves. Testing is also required before someone can begin their job at a healthcare facility or lab.


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