Broken Bones: First Aid Do's and Don'ts

Broken Bones: First Aid Do's and Don'ts

A broken bone, also known as a fracture, can be a painful and potentially serious injury. Knowing how to provide appropriate first aid can make a significant difference in the person's comfort and recovery. Here are the do's and don'ts for dealing with broken bones:


  1. Keep Calm: Stay calm and encourage the injured person to remain calm as well. Panic can worsen the situation.
  2. Call for Help: Dial 911 (or your local emergency number) immediately if you suspect a bone is broken, especially if the bone has pierced the skin, the limb is deformed, or if the injury is severe.
  3. Immobilize the Injury: If possible, keep the injured area still to prevent further damage. You can use a splint, rolled-up newspaper, or any firm material to support and immobilize the broken bone.
  4. Elevate the Injured Limb: If it's an arm or leg fracture, gently elevate it to reduce swelling. Use cushions, pillows, or clothing to support the limb in a raised position.
  5. Control Bleeding: If there is an open wound with bleeding, apply gentle pressure with a clean cloth or sterile dressing to control bleeding without putting pressure directly on the bone.
  6. Apply Cold Compress: If there's swelling, apply a cold compress (a bag of ice wrapped in a cloth) to the injured area. This can help reduce pain and swelling.
  7. Cover Open Wounds: If the broken bone has pierced the skin, cover the wound with a sterile dressing or clean cloth to prevent infection.
  8. Offer Pain Relief: If the injured person can tolerate it, over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help reduce pain and inflammation.


  1. Don't Attempt to Realign the Bone: Never try to force a broken bone back into its normal position. Leave this to medical professionals.
  2. Don't Apply Direct Pressure: Avoid pressing directly on the bone if it has broken through the skin. Apply pressure around the wound instead.
  3. Don't Remove Impaled Objects: If there is an object impaled in the wound (e.g., a piece of glass or a stick), do not attempt to remove it. Stabilize it in place and seek medical help.
  4. Don't Ignore the Injury: Even if the injury seems minor, don't ignore it. A fracture can sometimes be mistaken for a sprain, so it's essential to have it properly assessed by a healthcare professional.
  5. Don't Tie a Tourniquet: Tourniquets are not recommended for fractures unless it's a life-threatening situation involving severe bleeding.
  6. Don't Apply Heat: Do not use heat packs or heating pads on the injured area, as this can worsen swelling.
  7. Don't Hesitate to Seek Professional Help: In most cases, fractures require medical evaluation and treatment to ensure proper healing and alignment. Even if you've provided initial first aid, seek professional medical care as soon as possible.

Remember that broken bones can vary in severity, and the first aid provided may differ based on the specific situation. Always prioritize the safety and well-being of the injured person, and don't hesitate to call for professional medical help when needed.

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