Can You Crack a Sternum Performing CPR?

Cracking or fracturing the sternum, also known as the breastbone, is a possible outcome when performing CPR, along with other chest injuries (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). The sternum is the long, flat bone located in the center of the chest, and it can fracture under the force applied during chest compressions. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind sternum fractures during CPR, their prevalence, and the importance of CPR in saving lives.

Causes of Sternal Fractures During CPR:

Sternal fractures during CPR can occur for several reasons:

  1. Necessary Force: Effective chest compressions require significant force to properly circulate blood and provide oxygen to the body. The sternum may crack due to the pressure applied to the chest. There is a correlation between compression depth and the risk of rib fractures.

  2. Rib Resilience: The ribs are connected to the sternum, and they can absorb some of the force during compressions. However, the sternum itself may be less flexible and more prone to fracturing. Rib fractures are a common occurrence during CPR and can contribute to the overall risk of cpr related injuries.

  3. Age and Fragility: The risk of sternum fractures may be higher in elderly individuals or those with pre-existing bone conditions that weaken the sternum.

  4. Quality CPR: High-quality CPR, with adequate depth and rate of compressions, increases the likelihood of achieving the necessary blood flow to vital organs, even if a sternum fracture occurs.

Prevalence of Sternal Fractures:

Sternal fractures during CPR are relatively rare but not unheard of. The incidence of skeletal chest injuries, including rib and sternal fractures, varies in the literature, with factors such as compression depth and rate contributing to these injuries. The risk of sternum fractures must be weighed against the potential benefits of CPR, which can save lives in cases of cardiac arrest. While severe injuries can occur, the benefits of CPR in saving lives outweigh these risks. Cardiac arrest is a life-threatening condition in which the heart stops beating effectively, and CPR is a critical intervention to restore circulation until advanced medical help arrives.

Importance of Chest Compressions in CPR:

CPR is a crucial emergency procedure that can make the difference between life and death for someone experiencing cardiac arrest. When the heart stops beating, the immediate initiation of CPR can help maintain oxygen supply to vital organs, including the brain, until the heart can be restarted with advanced life support measures or an automated external defibrillator (AED).

While sternum fractures are a possible side effect of CPR, they should not deter individuals from performing CPR when needed. Broken ribs are a common occurrence during CPR, often resulting from the depth and force of chest compressions. Factors such as age, gender, existing health conditions, and the skill level of the person performing CPR can contribute to this risk. High-quality CPR performed promptly and correctly offers the best chance of survival for someone in cardiac arrest.


In the process of performing CPR, especially during chest compressions, there is a risk of cracking or fracturing the sternum. This occurs due to the necessary force applied to ensure blood circulation during cardiac arrest. Rare complications, such as cardiac rupture, can occur but should not deter individuals from performing CPR. However, the risk of sternum fractures must be weighed against the potential benefits of CPR, which can save lives. It is crucial for individuals to learn CPR techniques and be prepared to administer them in emergencies, as early intervention can greatly improve the chances of survival for someone in cardiac arrest.

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