Controlling Bleeding: Do You Know What to Do?

Everyone has been involved in a circumstance where someone has gotten hurt and has a bleeding wound, but the question is--were you able to help that victim with their wound? Do you know when to call for help? Where can you obtain a higher level of knowledge to help those victims the next time the situation arises?

How can you help a bleeding victim? Well for starters, you must ensure scene safety for yourself, bystanders, and the victim. If the scene isn’t safe for any of those individuals, you then run the likelihood of the scene becoming worse before better. By ensuring that the scene is safe the rescuer gives the victim a greater chance of survival. Once you have determined the scene is safe you should utilize the First Aid kit and the included equipment. 

When you open the First Aid kit, the first thing that should be removed and placed on the rescuer is the medical gloves, so that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)  precautions are met. The gloves serve as a barrier from blood and/or other bodily fluids that could contaminate the rescuer. Next you should use some form of dressing, whether that dressing is a bulk dressing with direct pressure to control bleeding or a pressure dressing to keep pressure applied. While all of this is taking place, someone should have been instructed to notify medical services such as paramedics, by calling 9-1-1.

When to call for help? If you are the rescuer and the accident scene is not getting more stable, then there should be an immediate call for additional resources that possess a higher level of care. Another situation where help should be notified immediately is when there is damage to major arteries of vessels and bleeding control is a challenge even with the use of a tourniquet. 

Lastly, if you have a victim that is presenting signs of shock, such as a weak  pulse, cool clammy skin, and/or irregular breathing patterns, then immediately call for additional resources since the victim’s body may be starting to de compensate or shut down.

Ready to become a better prepared rescuer and make a difference for the victim and the situation at hand? Study and test today with MyCPR NOW!

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