CPR and Water Safety: What Every Swimmer Should Know


With the summer months approaching, many people will be spending more time in the water. Whether you're a swimmer or not, there are many things to consider when it comes to your safety while swimming. While learning CPR and basic water safety is definitely recommended, here are some additional tips that can help keep everyone safe this summer!

Water Safety 101

It's important to know how to prevent water emergencies, as well as what to do if one occurs. Here are some tips on how you can stay safe in and around water:

  • If you're swimming with an infant or young child, make sure they are within arm's reach at all times and keep them away from dangerous areas (such as pools with deep ends). Don't allow kids under age 3 1/2 years old near pools unsupervised; older children should always be monitored by an adult when around pools.
  • Avoid alcohol while swimming--it slows reflexes and impairs judgment. Alcohol also increases the risk of drowning because it reduces coordination and causes muscle weakness that makes it harder for someone who has been drinking alcohol to remain afloat or swim safely out of danger if needed.

What if a Family Member Has a Life-Threatening Condition?

  • If someone has a life-threatening condition, such as an allergic reaction or stroke, you should call 9-1-1 immediately.
  • If someone is unconscious but breathing normally (no gurgling sounds), lay him/her on his/her back with both arms at his sides and wait for help to arrive.
  • If someone is having trouble breathing, check if he/she can cough forcefully enough to clear mucus from his/her airway; if not, tilt his head back slightly and give five quick blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of your hand (this will dislodge any foreign objects). Next, use your fingers to sweep downwards towards the chest cavity until you hit something solid (this may be teeth or bone); then use abdominal thrusts--a series of upward abdominal compressions--to expel whatever's stuck inside: place one hand below their rib cage just above where their stomach ends and one behind their back; press down sharply several times until all air has been forced out of them with each compression; repeat this process until no more bubbles come out when they breathe in after coughing violently several times before stopping again

CPR and Water Safety

CPR is a lifesaving technique that can be performed on land or in water. It's important to note that CPR is not without risk and should only be performed by trained professionals on unconscious individuals, as there are many risks associated with the procedure. Additionally, it's important to remember that CPR should not be attempted on conscious or breathing persons (such as those who have asthma).

CPR has been shown to be effective at saving lives when performed correctly and quickly enough after cardiac arrest occurs; however, it should not replace medical care for severe injuries like broken bones or head trauma since these types of injuries can complicate treatment efforts even further once an individual has been resuscitated successfully by means of chest compressions alone.


If you know how to perform CPR, it could save someone's life.

  • Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a critical skill recommended for everyone to learn, along with first aid and AED (automated external defibrillator) usage. These skills are especially important for swimmers, and they can be trained by their local YMCA or community center.
  • Water Safety 101: Swimming pools have been associated with an increased risk of drowning due to the presence of chemicals like chlorine and bromine in the water that may irritate sensitive skin or cause an allergic reaction if ingested while swimming; however, there are ways to minimize these risks when enjoying a pool party--like taking breaks from swimming every hour or so, staying within arm's reach at all times while in deep water areas like hot tubs/jacuzzis where children could drown quickly if left unattended for just minutes at a time...etcetera...


Water safety is a serious issue, and it's important to take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones. If you're planning on going swimming this summer or anytime soon, make sure that everyone in your family knows how to swim and has the proper equipment in case something goes wrong. And if someone has a life-threatening condition like asthma or heart disease--or even just allergies--they should always have an auto-injector nearby when they enter any body of water!


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