CPR Certification for Parents - Do's and Don'ts

In an ideal world, CPR certification would be a skill that every parent already had, just like knowing how to change a diaper or make baby food. But the fact is that not all parents are comfortable with CPR and many feel like it's something they don't need to know. However, as every parent knows, there's no such thing as too much education when it comes to your kids' safety. That's why we've put together this ultimate guide on everything you need to know about getting certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). We'll cover everything from what CPR is and who should get it—and more importantly who should not—to where you can find the best classes for your family. If you have any questions about our recommendations or anything else related to this topic then please don't hesitate to contact us at help@fixr.com

What is CPR?

CPR, an acronym for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, is a potentially lifesaving procedure that can maintain blood flow and preserve brain function until further medical help arrives. It primarily involves executing chest compressions to ensure continuous blood flow within the body.

If you are administering CPR on an infant or young child, it's crucial to first verify their airways. Start by gently positioning your hands on the sides of their face and slightly tilting it downwards. This posture allows any possible obstruction (such as regurgitated food) in their throat or windpipe to drain out, preventing it from being inhaled into the lungs during CPR compressions. To carry out the compression, place two fingers in the mid-chest area (roughly at the nipple line). You should be able to discern their breaths at this position when they're in a calm state. If you find no audible breaths, adjust your fingers slightly higher until successful.

It's preferable to touch only these two areas unless absolutely required due to safety reasons.

Intrigued by the intricacies of the human body? Seeking a role that can make a visible difference in your community? Want to be ready for any emergency? Consider getting your CPR/AED certification online today! By understanding CPR for adults, children, and infants, along with safety considerations and compression-to-ventilation ratios, you can be prepared to come to someone's aid when they need it the most.

Who should take a CPR class?

Gaining practical life-saving knowledge has been made even more convenient with the increase of online trainings. No matter your profession or personal circumstances, having a CPR certification is invaluable. It's vital not only for parents and those operating in healthcare sectors or working with children but is highly beneficial for everyone.

Don't worry about a busy agenda or the lack of nearby physical classes. You can now get certified at your own pace and in your own space. Online courses, like the one offered by MyCPR NOW, provide comprehensive coverage of CPR techniques applicable to adults, infants, and children. They even elaborate on more complex matters like relieving choking.

When opting for an online CPR class, here's what you can anticipate:

  1. The curriculum includes instructions for performing CPR on adults, children, and infants.
  2. You'll learn how to assess breathing and pulse before initiating CPR.
  3. Detailed modules will provide instruction on essential procedures such as chest compressions.

In addition to the flexibility of learning at your own pace, another advantage is that you pay only after you pass. That way, you are ensured of obtaining value for your investment.

Embrace the opportunity to learn these critical skills online - you never know when you might need them. CPR skills can turn you into a potential life-saver during an emergency, offering you the confidence and ability to act swiftly and decisively.

Where can I take a CPR class?

In order to become certified, you need to find a class near you. Classes can be found at hospitals, community centers and schools. Check with your local fire department or police department if there aren't any classes available in your area. Hospitals often offer CPR certification programs as well so be sure to check with them too! If all else fails, ask around at work or school; someone might know where there's an upcoming course being offered that meets all of your needs.

Are looking to learn the basics of CPR. Are someone who wants to be prepared in case you ever need to administer CPR in an emergency situation.

Put your hands on either side of their chest and press down about two inches; if you're doing this correctly, the depth should be about one-third of their height. Keep doing this at a rate of 100 compressions per minute until help arrives or until they start breathing again. In order to perform CPR on an infant or child, you'll need to check their airway first by placing your hands on either side of their face and tilting it down slightly so that if there's anything blocking their throat/windpipe (like vomit), it will drain out instead of getting sucked back into their lungs when you press down on them with your hand during compressions.

How do I find the right CPR class for me and my kids?

The first thing you should do is think about who in your family needs CPR certification. If you have young children and want them to be prepared in case of an emergency, then it's important that they attend a class with an instructor who has been trained in pediatric CPR. You may want to look for classes that offer infant/child CPR, as well as infant/child choking relief training.

If you're concerned about your own health or wellness, then attending a class taught by someone with medical experience is essential since he or she will be able to answer any questions that arise during the course of instruction--and help ensure that everyone leaves feeling confident about what they've learned.

Next, press down on the body with a few fingers and push hard enough to cause their chest to compress. The idea is that if you can get their heart pumping again then they might be able to survive until paramedics arrive. If there's someone else around who knows CPR then it would be best for them to do that instead of you since they'll likely have better control over what they're doing than someone who is just learning how.

Knowing how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation can save someone's life.

CPR, standing for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, is an essential procedure that can be utilized by anyone to provide immediate help during a cardiac arrest or other medical emergencies. This technique comprises chest compressions to maintain the blood flow and rescue breaths to ensure the airways stay unobstructed.

Traditionally, CPR lessons are imparted by medical practitioners. However, the advent of online platforms has expanded accessibility, providing both online and physical classes in community hubs and healthcare facilities.

In case you're unable to access a conveniently located class, consider signing up for an online CPR course. These digital programs provide flexibility to learn at your pace and encompass everything from CPR basics to considerably advanced techniques like managing choking situations and infant CPR. Adequate knowledge and a robust skill-set in CPR can make you a potential lifesaver during critical emergencies.


We hope this guide has given you a better understanding of the importance of CPR certification and helped you figure out where to find the right class for your family. Remember, when it comes to saving lives, every second counts!


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