CPR Certification: A Skill Everyone Should Possess


Chest compressions are an essential part of CPR and they help to keep blood moving through the body while other resuscitation techniques are being used. Compression-only CPR is a great option for those who are trained and ready to help someone in need, but may not have access to a bag or mask. While traditional CPR requires mouth-to-mouth breaths, compression-only CPR does not require mouth contact and can be done even if you are wearing gloves. Both methods of compression-only CPR will provide similar outcomes which means that anyone can perform this technique if necessary.

The basics of CPR.

CPR is a medical procedure that uses chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to help people who are unconscious, not breathing normally, or not breathing at all. The steps for performing CPR are:

  • Call 911; then check for signs of life (such as a pulse) by feeling for your own pulse on the side of your neck (the carotid artery). If you don't feel one, begin CPR immediately.
  • Give 30 chest compressions at a rate of 100 per minute while you're waiting for help to arrive -- this will keep blood flowing through the body until paramedics arrive on the scene with an AED machine that can shock them back into consciousness if needed

How to perform CPR.

  • How to perform CPR on a child
  • How to perform CPR on an adult
  • How to perform CPR on a baby
  • How to perform CPR on an elderly person
  • How to perform CPR on a person who is pregnant
  • What is the difference between chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? When should you do one or the other?
  • Chest compressions are performed by pressing down hard and fast on the center of your patient's chest. This will cause blood flow in their heart muscle, which pumps oxygenated blood through their body and brain. Chest compressions are necessary because when someone stops breathing, air does not enter their lungs; therefore, there is no oxygen exchange happening within them (the lungs are not able to "breathe"). If no oxygen gets into our bodies via inhalation or exhalation (breathing), we will die within minutes due to lack of oxygen reaching vital organs like our brains which require 20% oxygen while resting state; therefore performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation will not help if there isn't any air going in or out!

What equipment is needed?

  • A CPR mask: This is used to protect the rescuer from fluids that might come out during compressions and also prevent the patient from biting down on his or her tongue.
  • A CPR barrier device (such as a shield): This helps prevent transmission of germs between you and your patient, who could be ill with an infectious disease such as hepatitis C or HIV/AIDS.
  • A bag-valve-mask or pocket mask: You'll use this device to deliver breaths during traditional CPR. It's important that you avoid getting saliva into the lungs while giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation because this can lead to pneumonia in some cases; however, if there isn't time for another person to step in, compression-only CPR is recommended instead of traditional methods because it's less likely that someone will develop an infection after receiving chest compressions without breaths being administered first."

Compression-only CPR vs. traditional CPR techniques.

Compression-only CPR is a technique used to help someone who is unconscious and not breathing. It can be used by anyone, even if you have no medical training. It's simpler to learn than traditional CPR, which involves giving breaths as well as chest compressions.

Compression-only CPR involves giving chest compressions until an ambulance arrives or someone with more training arrives on the scene (or if you're feeling up for it, continue to give compressions until paramedics arrive). This simple lifesaving skill has been credited with saving countless lives over the years!

Compression-only CPR and the right order of compressions, breaths, and pauses.

Compression-only CPR is performed by performing 30 compressions and then checking for a pulse. You should perform chest compressions at the rate of 100 per minute (about twice as fast as normal). The right order of compressions, breaths, and pauses is:

  • Compressions: Push down on the breastbone 1/2 to 1 inch (1 to 2 cm) deep in rapid succession with only the hands or fist while keeping your elbows straight. Do not lift your hands off the chest between compressions; just keep doing what you're doing until you reach 30 total. This can take about two minutes if you're doing it correctly!
  • Breaths: Give two full breaths into their mouth using a barrier device such as an oxygen mask or face shield if available; otherwise use your own lips sealed tightly around theirs without pushing air into them forcefully--just enough pressure so that some air passes through onto their tongue without causing any discomfort whatsoever--then release immediately after each breath cycle ends without pausing between cycles because this could cause injury due to hyperventilation syndrome causing too much CO2 being released into the bloodstream causing acidosis which leads to coma death within minutes if left untreated so please don't try anything like this unless under direct supervision by trained medical professionals only!

When to start chest compressions in a non-emergency situation.

There are many instances in which you should start chest compressions. If you are alone with the victim and they're not breathing, unconscious and unresponsive, or have suspected heart attack or stroke symptoms.

  • Perform 30 compressions at a rate of 100 per minute. This equates to about 2 inches deep for adults, and 1 inch deep for infants and children under 8 years old, who require less compression force. Use the heel of your hand rather than your fingertips because it provides better leverage. Deliver consistent pressure by keeping your arms straight throughout each compression.
  • Allow enough time between each compression so that your hands don't fatigue before completing 30 cycles. Remember that this is only meant as an emergency measure until medical help arrives; do not perform CPR if there is no obvious sign of need!

Everyone needs to know how to perform CPR correctly and this article is designed to help you learn it!

The first step in learning CPR is to become familiar with the correct technique. This article will help you do just that!

When it comes to performing chest compressions, there are many different schools of thought on how best to do it. Some people prefer doing hands only CPR (where only the hands press down on the chest), while others feel more comfortable using an additional device such as a bag valve mask or pocket mask. 


There are many reasons why you should learn CPR, but the most important one is that it can save someone's life. Knowing how to perform this lifesaving technique will not only help keep people alive until medical professionals arrive on the scene but also give them better odds of survival if they do suffer cardiac arrest or other serious injuries. This article has provided information on what exactly CPR is and how it works, as well as some tips on how to get certified yourself!


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