Some people are born to be heroes, but in an emergency, anyone can become one. You may be the difference between life and death for someone who needs help. How do you know? You're certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid from any course provider approved by your state.
You might be the difference in someone's life.
Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be a hero?
Do you ever want to make a difference in someone's life, or even save them from death?
If so, then becoming certified in CPR is the best way for you! You can save lives by knowing how to perform CPR on someone who has stopped breathing.
We recommend that everyone should learn CPR certification because there are many situations where people will need help and not have anyone around who knows how to do CPR. You could be the difference between life and death!
Why do I need to be certified?
There are many reasons why you should be certified in CPR. First and foremost, it's a skill set you can use to help people in need. Being able to provide life-saving care is an important part of being prepared for emergencies, whether you're at home or on the job.
Second, knowing how to perform CPR will help you get hired by employers who require their employees to be certified (for example fire departments).
Thirdly, if there's ever an emergency situation in which someone needs immediate assistance from bystanders (e.g., cardiac arrest), knowing how much compressions and breaths per minute they need could mean the difference between life and death! Last but not may want some skills practice before taking our written test so that when it comes time for real-world application during an actual emergency situation involving another person's health/wellbeing--you'll know exactly what steps need taken beforehand by both parties involved."
What should I expect during the course?
The first thing you should know is that the course will be taught by a trained instructor. This person will be able to answer any questions you have about the material and help you understand it better.
The next thing you need to know is what kinds of things you will learn during the course:
- How to perform CPR on an adult, child, infant, and baby
- How to use an AED (automated external defibrillator) on an adult, child, and infant/baby who has stopped breathing or whose heart has stopped beating normally due to cardiac arrest
- How to treat choking victims by removing foreign objects such as food or other items from their airways using proper procedures so they don't choke again later on during recovery efforts; also includes instructions on how best not get yourself into trouble while performing these tasks since there's always some risk involved when dealing with moving parts like this!
How often should I recertify?
How often should I recertify? We recommend that you renew your certification every two years. In some states, this is required by law. However, if you are certified in another state and move to a new state without changing jobs or careers, it may be difficult for them to verify your credentials when they request them from the other jurisdiction.
In such cases where an applicant cannot show proof of current CPR training from another state's registry, we suggest taking our online course as soon as possible so that they can provide proof of their ability before the deadline date arrives (usually about 90 days after signing up for our course).
There is no age limit on taking our online course! Volunteers under 18 years old must have parental permission before signing up for any class offered through our organization - including those offered via Skype!
You can help save lives and you should!
If you're a medical professional, or if you want to be, it's important to know CPR. In an emergency situation, being able to perform basic first aid can mean the difference between life and death.
The skills learned in a CPR certification course can save lives--but what makes them so effective? The answer is simple: they're easy to use! These techniques are designed for anyone to learn quickly, even if they've never performed them before. Once learned, these techniques are also easy enough that even children can remember how they work without prompting from adults (and sometimes even without other adults around). Finally--and most importantly--CPR is universal; everyone needs this skill regardless of age or health condition because it provides immediate assistance when someone needs help breathing again after going into cardiac arrest due to atrial fibrillation.
In the end, I hope that you'll decide to get certified. If you are looking for a career change or would like to make a difference in your community, then this is the right choice for you! The courses are easy to follow and will give you all of the information needed in order to be successful. Plus, they come with free resources such as practice tests and study guides so there's no reason not to try out this amazing opportunity today!