CPR Certification: Is It Time for a Refresher?

  • What is CPR?

CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which is a lifesaving technique used when someone's heart stops beating. It involves compressions on the chest and rescue breaths to keep oxygen flowing through their bodies while they are being transported to an emergency room.

When someone suddenly collapses or stops breathing, it's important that you try to revive them right away. If someone collapses without warning, call 911 immediately; then begin performing chest compressions until medical professionals arrive on the scene (or until help arrives if there's no immediate danger).

  • How do I perform CPR?

It can be daunting trying out this technique for the first time--but don't worry! Our guide below outlines exactly how to do it: 1) Call 911 immediately; 2) Perform 30 chest compressions at a rate of 100 beats per minute until paramedics arrive; 3) Give two breaths every three seconds until help arrives

Will you be able to use your skills in an emergency?

If you are not confident in using your skills, it's time for a refresher course. In an emergency situation, people will look to you as the expert on CPR. If they see that you are nervous or unsure of what to do, they will feel less confident themselves and may become afraid or panic. If this happens during an actual emergency, the results could be tragic!

You should also ask yourself: Are there any areas where I would like more practice? For example, can I perform chest compressions on myself or someone else with one arm? Can I use mouth-to-mouth breathing techniques effectively on children under three years old (or infants)? Will my partner be able to assist me if needed during an emergency? These things might seem insignificant now but could become very important when faced with real-life situations where seconds matter!

Have you trained with a mannequin, or is it time for a refresher course?

If you have trained with a mannequin, it's important to know if your skills are still up-to-date. If they aren't, consider taking a refresher course. As part of the Advanced Cardiac Life Support program, The instructors teach participants how to use mannequins during CPR training courses. The use of these life-sized models allows students to practice hands-on techniques without having to worry about hurting someone or being hurt themselves.

If you have used a mannequin in the past but need some additional practice before next time, try doing these exercises:

  • Check out our online library for some great videos that show how to perform CPR on adults (and children), including proper hand placement and chest compression techniques!
  • Practice timing your compressions so that they're at least 100 per minute - faster than many people think is necessary!

Can you have your CPR certification renewed on the spot?

  • You can have your CPR certification renewed on the spot.
  • You should renew your certification every two years.
  • You need to be trained in CPR and first aid for this renewal, as well as how to use an AED (automatic external defibrillator).
  • You need to be trained in how to use an auto-injector if someone has an allergic reaction or is having trouble breathing due to food allergies. You also need training in Heimlich maneuvering--the technique used when someone is choking on something edible--as well as what kind of injuries warrant a 911 call versus those that don't require immediate medical attention (like minor cuts).

Check your training and prepare to help someone in need.

  • Check your training and prepare to help someone in need.
  • Make sure you are up-to-date with the most current CPR certification, which is valid for two years. If you're not sure what level of certification you have, check with the organization that issued it or look at their website for more information on how long certifications last.
  • Review the skills needed to perform CPR effectively, such as ventilating an unconscious victim and performing chest compressions at an appropriate rate and depth. You may also want to review some basic first aid procedures so that if someone gets injured while using one of your products--for example, by slipping on ice--you'll know what steps need to be taken immediately before calling 911 or another medical professional (if available).


If you've been certified in CPR, it's important that you are able to use your skills in an emergency. If your certification has expired, then it might be time for a refresher course. You can renew your certification on the spot if needed or at another time when convenient for you.


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