CPR Certification: The Key to Saving Lives

The estimates are that every year, more than 350,000 people in the United States will experience cardiac arrest. That’s one person every two minutes. The good news is that CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), when performed correctly by bystanders, can double or triple a victim’s chance of survival from sudden cardiac arrest.

What Is CPR?

CPR is a lifesaving technique that can be used to temporarily keep a person alive until they can get to the hospital. It involves chest compressions and artificial respiration.

CPR is performed on people who have had a sudden cardiac arrest or those who have stopped breathing, but it's important to begin performing CPR within 4 minutes of them going into cardiac arrest because brain cells die after about 4-6 minutes without oxygenated blood supply.

CPR can be performed by anyone who has been trained in its basic principles, which include:

  • Positioning yourself over the person's chest so that you are facing his/her head and shoulders;  Placing one hand on top of another (forming an "O") over their sternum (breastbone);  Using both hands, press down hard and fast at least 100 times per minute until help arrives

How to Do CPR

When it comes to saving lives, there's no substitute for good old-fashioned CPR.

CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and is a combination of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. When someone goes into cardiac arrest, their heart stops beating and they can't breathe on their own anymore. CPR helps keep blood flowing through the body until paramedics arrive.

Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation isn't the same as giving someone mouth-to-mouth; instead of breathing air into someone's lungs with your mouth, you're pushing down on their chest to force blood back up into their heart (or pumping). If you don't know how much pressure you should use during chest compressions--and many people don't--it's best not to try this in an emergency situation because doing so could actually cause serious injury or death!

The works with government agencies, health care providers, manufacturers of health care products (such as CPR manikins), professional societies, voluntary groups such as fire departments or search & rescue teams, and others to achieve its goals."

Can I Get Certified in CPR?

If you want to be prepared to save someone's life, it's a good idea to get CPR certified. The certification is available in many places, including online and through local organizations like hospitals and medical clinics.

CPR certification is not required by law, but it is recommended that everyone know how to perform basic life support skills such as chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

If you're interested in getting certified in your area, check out these resources:

  • Where Can I Get Certified? - This article lists several websites where you can find information about obtaining a card or other types of training materials for free or at a low cost; all are free unless otherwise noted. What Does It Cost? - Another helpful page explains how much each type of course costs so that people aren't surprised when they go looking for one near them. How Long Does It Last? - This page answers questions such as "How long does my card expire?"

Where is the Best Place to Get Certified in CPR?

Where is the best place to get certified in CPR?

The answer depends on your needs and preferences. If you want a course that's convenient, affordable, and easy to access, an online program may be right for you. On the other hand, if learning from others who are already certified seems more appealing than studying alone at home--or if you simply prefer hands-on learning--then taking an in-person course might be better suited for your lifestyle.

In addition to considering cost and location when choosing where to take a CPR certification class:

  • Make sure that whoever teaches it has been properly trained! (This goes for any type of training.)
  • And don't forget about practicing before taking any test!


The key to saving lives is being able to do CPR. This is the best place to get certified in CPR, and it's important for anyone who wants to save lives.

What is CPR?

  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a technique used when someone has stopped breathing or their heart has stopped beating, often due to an injury or illness. It involves chest compressions combined with artificial ventilation that helps keep blood circulating through the body until emergency medical services arrive on the scene and take over care of the victim.

How do I do CPR?

  • First, check for responsiveness: if there's no response from your friend or family member after you call out their name, shake them gently by their shoulders and ask loudly "Are you okay?" If there's still no response then continue with these steps:


In the end, the most important thing to remember is that CPR certification can save lives. Whether it's a friend or family member who needs help in an emergency situation or simply someone you pass on the street, knowing how to save them could be the difference between life and death. So if you're looking for something new in your career path or just want some peace of mind when it comes time for physical fitness tests at school? Then getting certified in CPR should definitely be considered!


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