First Aid for Cats: Dealing with Common Parasites

First Aid for Cats: Dealing with Common Parasites


Cats are the most popular pet in America, with an estimated 89 million cats living in homes. But owning a cat can also mean dealing with some common health issues. One of the biggest problems that owners have to deal with is parasites. There are several types of these critters, including fleas and ticks, but they all share one thing: they can cause big health problems for your kitty! This post will go over what you need to know about parasites and how to protect your cat from them.


  • Fleas are small, brown insects that live on cats and other animals. They can cause anemia and other health problems.
  • Treating your cat with a flea-control product will kill existing fleas, prevent further infestations, and help prevent your cat from becoming sick due to the bites of these tiny pests.
  • There are many types of flea treatment products available for cats, including topical liquids or creams that you apply directly to the fur; oral tablets that dissolve in the mouth; spot-on liquids applied between shoulder blades; collars worn around necks (these also repel ticks); shampoos used weekly during peak season; sprays applied directly onto skin surfaces where pets spend the most time (e.g., bedding).


Heartworms are a parasite that can affect cats. They're transmitted by mosquitoes and infect the heart, lungs, and arteries of animals. Cats are more susceptible to heartworm disease than dogs because they don't have as many natural antibodies against it. If your cat is bitten by an infected mosquito, he may develop symptoms such as coughing or breathing problems later in life if left untreated--which can be fatal if not taken care of immediately.

Heartworm treatment is expensive and can be fatal if not properly administered by a vet; prevention is key! The best way to avoid this parasite is through regular preventative medicine given by your vet every six months (or more frequently depending on how often you take your cat outside), but if you think your pet has been exposed to heartworms already then make sure to call them immediately for treatment recommendations before it's too late!

Ear Mites

Ear mites are tiny insects that live in your cat's ear canal. They feed on blood, but they don't burrow into the skin or cause any significant damage. Instead, they just make themselves at home in your pet's ears and cause itchiness, pain, and hearing loss--not to mention anemia!

If you think your feline friend may have ear mites (or any other kind of parasite), don't panic: Your vet is likely to be able to diagnose and treat it for you. They'll also be able to tell you what kind of parasite it is so that you can avoid future problems with them; many different types exist across all kinds of animals--including humans!


Tapeworms are parasites that live in the intestines of cats and other animals. They are usually transmitted by fleas or other insects, but can also be spread to humans.

Because tapeworms can be spread to humans, it's important to keep your cat indoors. If you don't have an indoor cat already and want one for this reason, check out our article on why keeping your cat indoors is a good idea!

Tapeworms are easy to treat: Over-the-counter medications kill tapeworms quickly and effectively (and without side effects).


Scabies is a skin infection caused by a mite. It causes itching, hair loss, and small crusty deposits on your cat's skin. Scabies can be transmitted from cat to cat or from human to cat through direct contact with infected animals or their bedding or litter boxes. The mites live in the outer layer of the skin, where they cause an allergic reaction that results in intense itching (which can lead to self-inflicted injury).

Scabies can be treated with topical medication that kills both adult and immature mites as well as eggs laid by adults before they hatch into larvae capable of spreading disease further within your home environment. Tapeworms are flat segmented worms that attach themselves to the walls of your pet's intestines and absorb nutrients directly into their bodies without having any use for them (kinda gross). Cats get tapeworms by ingesting an infected flea while grooming themselves; sometimes they'll also eat prey with tapeworms on it too!

Parasites are common in cats

Parasites are common in cats, and it's important to be prepared.

The most important thing is to know what kind of parasites your cat might have so you can treat them properly. There are a few different types of parasites that cats may encounter:

  • Fleas - These small bugs cause irritation, itchiness and could even lead to anemia if left untreated for too long! You'll know if your kitty has fleas because they will start scratching themselves raw trying to get rid of the pesky critters. If this happens, it's time for some flea treatment right away (and maybe even consider getting another cat).
  • Ticks - Similar symptoms as fleas but these guys bite into their host instead of sucking blood like mosquitoes do so there won't be any blood loss from their bites (if anything there might be some swelling). Again though--don't wait too long before treating these guys because once they've bitten into someone else's skin, they'll start draining nutrients out which could lead to death if left untreated long enough!


As you can see, parasites are a common problem for cats. If you're concerned that your pet might have one of these infections, it's important to take them to the vet as soon as possible. These parasites can be dangerous if left untreated and can even lead to death if left untreated long enough.


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