First Aid for Cats: Feline Urinary Tract Diseases

Lower urinary tract disease (LUTD) is a common issue for cats and can be caused by a number of different factors. While this condition can be uncomfortable for your feline friend, there are several simple treatments that will help manage or even reverse the progression of LUTD.

LUTD is a common feline health issue

LUTD is a common feline health issue, but it can also be a symptom of another disease. If you notice your cat drinking more than usual or urinating outside of his litter box, it's important to get him checked out by a veterinarian as soon as possible. LUTD can be caused by a variety of factors including stress, diet changes, and age-related issues like arthritis. Treating LUTD involves medication and dietary changes that can help ease your cat's discomfort while he recovers from whatever underlying cause may be causing his symptoms.

If you notice any new symptoms (such as vomiting or diarrhea), take your cat to the veterinarian right away so that they can help determine if there are other underlying causes for these issues besides LUTD itself!

Cats with LUTD might exhibit many different symptoms

A cat with LUTD may exhibit many different symptoms. You should be concerned if your pet has:

  • Urinary blockage, which is when the urethra becomes obstructed by crystals or other substances. This results in painful swelling of the bladder, which can cause your cat to strain while urinating (a sign of pain). Eventually, this can lead to blood in the urine and even kidney failure if left untreated.
  • Blood in his urine--this could indicate that there are crystals present within his kidneys that need to be removed by surgery or medication before they damage them further (and eventually cause them to fail).
  • Straining at night when he tries but fails at emptying his bladder completely; if left untreated this could also lead to urinary tract infections because bacteria from outside sources enter through open wounds created by straining too hard during urination attempts so often over time.

You can help your cat feel better with some simple medical treatments

  • Medication: Your vet may prescribe antibiotics or other medications to help control the symptoms of FLUTD.
  • Litter box: Make sure that the litter box is scrupulously clean, as cats will often refuse to use a dirty one. In addition, don't place it in an area where other pets (including other cats) have access, because they may pester or fight over it--and keep it out of reach from children as well!
  • Diet: Feeding a high-quality food helps improve kidney function in cats with FLUTD by providing them with all of their nutritional needs while helping them maintain a healthy weight so they're not putting extra strain on their kidneys.
  • Hydration: It's important for cats suffering from FLUTD to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout each day -- especially during warm weather when heat stress makes dehydration more likely than usual. Providing fresh drinking water can also help to prevent UTI's and other urinary issues that may worsen LUTD symptoms.
  • Rest: Take extra measures when caring for an older cat who has been diagnosed with this condition; provide lots of restful places where he can nap comfortably without worrying about being disturbed by young kittens who might want attention too soon after waking up from naps themselves (which should wait until both parties are fully alert again!).
  • Care: Providing your cat with plenty of love and attention can also reduce stress, which has been identified as a factor in feline urinary issues.

Your veterinarian can help you determine the best treatment for your cat's specific situation

If you don't have a vet who is experienced in treating LUTD, ask for a referral from another veterinarian or local animal shelter. If possible, find out what other conditions might be causing the symptoms of LUTD (e.g., diabetes) before deciding whether or not to treat FUS with antibiotics and/or surgery. Your veterinarian will also want to know if there are any other health problems that may require immediate attention, such as kidney disease or bladder stones; these issues can leave cats vulnerable if left untreated. In most cases, however--depending on how badly affected they are--the decision whether or not to get treatment depends on how much pain your cat is suffering from due to FUS and how much discomfort he/she experiences when urinating due to blockage (if any).


If you suspect your cat has a urinary tract infection, it's important to get them to the vet right away. While some cases are mild and can be treated at home, others require immediate attention or they could become life-threatening.

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