First Aid for Cats: Preparing Your Home for a Furry Friend
When you're ready to bring home a cat, it's important that your home is prepared for him or her. Cats are clean and easy to care for pets, but they do need some special considerations when you bring them home. First and foremost, make sure your new cat is healthy before buying him or her from the breeder or shelter. As with any other pet purchase, it's best not to take on an animal unless you're 100% certain that he or she isn't sick and won't soon become sick.
Cats are great pets, but they do need a little extra care.
Unlike dogs, cats are independent and clean by nature. They also tend to be quiet and don't require as much space or attention as many other types of animals.
That said, it's important that you know what your cat needs so that you can provide them with the best possible living conditions in your home. Cats do enjoy playing with toys and climbing around on furniture; however, they prefer having their own space where they can nap undisturbed--and sometimes even sleep at night!
Cats also require some routine in their lives: like when it's time for bedtime or breakfast time (or both). If possible try setting up these routines so that everyone knows when those times are coming up each day/week/month etcetera.
Make sure your cat is healthy before bringing him home.
Before you bring your cat home, make sure he is healthy. A vet checkup and vaccinations are a must, but there are other things to look out for as well.
- Fleas, ticks, and worms: You can get your new best friend checked for these pests at the veterinarian's office. They have special tools that will remove these critters from their fur with little fuss or pain to your pet!
- Ear mites: These tiny insects live in the ear canal of cats and dogs, causing irritation and discomfort when they bite into their skin tissue (ouch!). Ear mites can be diagnosed through an inspection by a veterinarian; if caught early enough they may be treated with medicated drops--but if left untreated they could lead to more serious infections like bacterial pneumonia! Be sure not only that all four paws are clean but also check under each one carefully before bringing home any new furry friend--and keep up-to-date on vaccinations too!
Always have a litter box available for your cat.
Cats are clean animals, and they like to bury their waste. They also don't like dirty litter boxes. If you want your cat to use the litter box, you'll need to keep it clean. If you don't maintain a clean environment for your kitty, he or she may choose another location in which to relieve itself.
Cats typically have one or two places where they prefer going: one spot indoors and another outdoors. Make sure that both locations have been thoroughly cleaned before bringing home a new feline friend and continue cleaning them regularly after his arrival as well!
Teach your kids how to handle cats respectfully and safely.
- Teach them not to pull tails or ears. Cats have sharp claws, so teach your children not to pick up the cat by the scruff of its neck. It can be dangerous for both parties!
- Claws can be sharp! If your child's friend has been declawed, don't let him or her play with that cat until he or she learns how to handle him safely (and vice versa).
Use common sense when it comes to keeping your cat's claws trimmed.
When trimming your cat's claws, it's important to have the right tools. If you don't have a good pair of nail clippers on hand and are nervous about using them, ask your vet for advice on which ones would be best for your cat. They might recommend something different than what we would suggest here at Catster but regardless of what kind of tool you choose, make sure that it's sharp enough to do its job quickly without hurting your furry friend too much!
If your kitty is skittish or nervous during this process, take breaks between each paw as needed until he or she gets used to having his/her paws touched by humans regularly again before attempting any further grooming tasks like trimming claws or brushing teeth. And remember: Sharpened claws can cause injury so if they seem dangerously sharp after having been cut down by half an inch or so below their current length level and get them help if you see them.
If you see your cat exhibiting any of the following symptoms, it's important to get them to help immediately:
- Fever, increased thirst, and decreased appetite
- Vomiting and diarrhea or constipation
- Loss of energy or lethargy (sluggishness)
- Difficulty breathing, wheezing, and coughing--this can be a sign that there is something lodged in their throat or airways (such as hairballs) that needs removal by a vet. If you notice blood in your cat's urine, this could indicate kidney failure; if they're diabetic this will also lead to anemia which causes the red blood cells to break down faster than normal so there isn't enough oxygen being carried throughout the body causing fatigue as well as confusion which may lead them into danger such as getting lost outside where predators could attack them!
If you take some steps now, your cat will be ready to be a part of your family
- Cats are great pets, but they need to be kept healthy and safe.
- A litter box should be provided for every cat, as well as one or more scratching posts or pads.
- Cats should not be allowed to roam outside freely because they can get lost or hurt by other animals or cars. If you do let your cat outside, make sure it's always leashed so you can control its movements and keep an eye on it at all times!
- Your new feline friend will need regular veterinary care throughout its life--this includes vaccinations against diseases such as rabies (which is deadly if untreated), annual visits for wellness exams and flea treatments (to prevent infestations), spaying/neutering procedures when possible (to reduce unwanted litters), dental cleanings when needed (so teeth don't decay), etcetera...and perhaps most importantly: trimming claws regularly so that sharp points don't tear up furniture legs/rugs etcetera...!
Cats are great pets, but they do need a little extra care. If you take some steps now, your cat will be ready to be a part of your family.