First Aid for Dogs: Addressing Hormonal Imbalances


If you've ever had to take your dog to the vet for a checkup, then you might have noticed that some of their tests are more involved than others. For example, when we took our dog in for her shots and annual exam recently, our vet also tested her blood for various hormones. They found that my dog was experiencing a slight imbalance in progesterone levels—nothing serious enough to warrant treatment at this point, but something we'll keep an eye on nonetheless. This got me thinking: What exactly are these hormones and how do they affect our dogs? Are there any common causes of hormonal imbalances? And what can we do if these issues arise with one of our four-legged friends?

Hormonal imbalances in dogs are a common occurrence and can be stressful for owners and dogs.

The most common hormone imbalances include stress-related conditions, seasonal allergies, reproductive issues, and cancer. Stress-related conditions include panting, excessive drooling, and stomach upset which may last up to 2 weeks after the event that caused it (e.g., surgery). If your dog experiences abnormal bleeding or does not ovulate properly, a vet should be consulted as soon as possible because these are signs of hormonal imbalance that could lead to further health problems if not caught early. It's important to catch hormonal imbalances as soon as possible so that they don't cause damage over time!

The most common hormonal problems include seasonal allergies, stress-related conditions, and reproductive issues.

Seasonal allergies can cause inflammation in the nasal passages; dogs with this condition may have runny eyes or an excessive amount of discharge from their noses. Stress-related conditions can cause panting, excessive drooling, and stomach upset. Reproductive issues can cause abnormal bleeding or problems ovulating properly. Your dog may lick their paws more if they are allergic to pollen; as well as sneezing or coughing occasionally if they suffer from asthma during allergy season (which happens every spring). If you notice any of these symptoms on your pooch--especially if they continue for more than a few days--contact a vet as soon as possible!

Seasonal allergies cause discomfort in dogs

Seasonal allergies are common in dogs and can be caused by pollen or dust mites (or both). Your veterinarian may recommend that you try an antihistamine such as Benadryl before administering steroids. Stress-related conditions can occur in any dog that's been exposed to prolonged periods of stress--from being left alone for long periods of time to being housed with other animals who don't get along well together--and will often exhibit panting followed by excessive drooling or stomach upset

Stress-related conditions 

Stress is a normal reaction to environmental changes or situations that threaten your dog's safety or well-being. However, when your pet experiences chronic or severe stress over an extended period of time (such as the loss of a family member), he may develop physical problems such as gastrointestinal issues, or behavioral changes such as excessive barking at night. Stress can also affect his immune system by reducing his ability to fight off illness--making him more susceptible to infections like kennel cough or parvovirus infection during times of high-stress levels.

Reproductive issues

If you think your dog is experiencing a hormonal imbalance, consult your vet. Reproductive issues can be caused by many things, like stress, diet, or age. If you think your dog is experiencing reproductive issues, consult your vet as soon as possible.

Keep a close eye on your dog if you suspect hormonal imbalances. Some signs of reproductive issues in dogs include panting and excessive drooling; diarrhea and vomiting; swelling around the mammary glands (the area below their front legs); infertility (a failure to conceive).

It's important to catch hormonal imbalances

The longer you wait, the more difficult it can be to treat. The sooner you catch a problem, the easier it is to fix.

If your dog has a mild issue, talk with your vet about whether or not treatment would be helpful for her and how long she should wait before testing again--an annual exam will likely suffice for most dogs (though some may need more frequent assessments). If your dog has been diagnosed with a moderate case of hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing's disease), though, there are still options available: surgery or drug therapy are both effective methods for managing this condition; however, these treatments come with risks like infection associated with anesthesia or side effects from medication use.


We hope this article has helped you understand how hormonal imbalances can affect your dog's health. If your dog seems to be experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, we encourage you to bring him or her in for an examination by a veterinarian as soon as possible.


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