First Aid for Seizures: What You Need to Know


Seizures are sudden change in behavior that happens when there's abnormal electrical activity in the brain. They can cause your muscles to twitch, jerk, or stiffen. They can also lead to loss of consciousness or convulsions.

Seizures are often frightening because they're not always predictable and they happen so quickly. But if you know what to expect and how to handle them safely, you’ll have peace of mind—and your loved one will be safer during their seizure as well.

What is a seizure?

A seizure is a disturbance in the brain. It can be caused by abnormal electrical activity or by something affecting your body's chemistry. Seizures can be triggered by many different things, including:

  • high fever
  • head trauma (such as a car accident) or other accidents that may cause injury to the head
  • infections like meningitis or encephalitis (infection of the brain)

People of any age, race, or gender can have seizures; they are not uncommon at all! However, they usually last less than 5 minutes and do not cause permanent damage unless there is another underlying problem such as alcohol withdrawal syndrome which requires medical attention from doctors who specialize in treating this type of condition.

Types of seizures

If someone is having a seizure, they may experience:

  • Loss of consciousness and inability to respond to you
  • Their breathing stops or becomes irregular
  • Their face turning blue (this is called cyanosis)

If you witness any of these signs, call 911 immediately, and do not try to handle the situation on your own.

You can also administer rescue breathing, which will help you keep them alive until paramedics arrive. If a person has an epileptic seizure, it doesn’t mean they’re dying or even seriously injured—but it does mean that they need medical assistance right away.

When to call 911 for someone having a seizure?

When to call 911 for someone having a seizure?

If the person is injured, or if the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes. If you are unsure whether to call 911, it's always better to be safe than sorry!

If your friend or family member has never had a seizure before and this is their first time experiencing one (see below for more information on first aid).

If you are with someone who is driving or swimming during their seizure. Not only should you call 911 but also get them out of the vehicle immediately; if there are no other people around who can take over driving duties, turn off all electronics and lights so that others don't see them moving erratically behind the wheel. In addition, if someone is swimming when they have a seizure--which happens often because water conducts electricity--they should be pulled out immediately as well so they don't drown from lack of oxygen due to swallowing too much water during the recovery process after losing consciousness during the attack itself."

How to help someone who's having a seizure?

  • Stay with the person, do not leave them alone.
  • Protect them from injury. Do not restrain or hold them down. Do not put anything in their mouth; this can be dangerous and may cause choking if they bite down on it during a seizure.
  • Keep yourself safe from harm by keeping objects away from where you are helping someone who is having a seizure: Don't stand near sharp furniture or objects that could fall on top of you if they get knocked over by someone thrashing around during an episode (like bookshelves full of heavy books). Also, avoid getting between two people who are fighting--they might accidentally hit each other while trying to defend themselves during convulsions!
  • Make sure that airways are clear: Loosen tight clothing around the neck and check for obstructions (such as foreign objects), especially if there is bleeding from any wounds sustained during convulsions; don't worry about whether there's blood coming out because everything looks worse than it really is when there are lots going on at once! Call 911 immediately after checking all these things off your list so medical professionals can help stabilize affected individuals before transporting them safely home again later today :)

Seizures are not always the same and can be dangerous.

Seizures are not always the same and can be dangerous. Some seizures are more dangerous than others, and they can be caused by many different things. Seizures may or may not require medical treatment, but it's important for people to know about them because they can be treated with medicine and will often go away on their own.

Many people have had a seizure at some point in their lives without even knowing it; this means that anyone who has ever seen someone having a seizure should know how to help them as soon as possible! The best way to do this is by keeping calm and calling 911 immediately after calling out "I need help!"


Seizures are scary, and they can be dangerous. It's important to know how to help someone who is having one. Seizures can happen in many different forms, so it's important that you know what kind of seizure someone is having before deciding on treatment options.

What should I do after the seizure? Stay with your friend until they regain consciousness. If they have a history of seizures and you don't think it's necessary to call 911, ask if they need anything from you before leaving. Do not leave them alone in case there are any further convulsions or injuries that need attention.

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