First Aid Tips for Handling Fractures in Cats

When cats get fractures, it's often because they've been playing too roughly or fallen off something. It's important to know how to treat a cat fracture at home and when it's time to take your pet to the vet.

Fractures in cats are common.

If you suspect that your cat has a fracture, it is important to get her to the vet as soon as possible. Fractures in cats are more common than one might think and can be serious. Cats have bones that are slightly less flexible than those in dogs or humans, so they are more susceptible to fractures when they fall from high places or get hit by cars or other objects.

Fractures can occur anywhere on a cat's body; however, they tend to occur most frequently on their front legs and paws because these areas receive less protection from muscle mass when cats walk around on all fours (they walk with three legs).

What is a fracture?

A fracture is a break in the bone. It can be open or closed, simple or compound (open). Fractures can cause serious complications if not treated immediately. If your cat has sustained a fracture, you should seek veterinary attention immediately.

Fractures are not always visible and may only be diagnosed by X-ray examination. In some cases, it is possible for cats with fractures to walk around normally without any signs of injury at all!

How do fractures happen?

A fracture is a break in a bone. When this happens, the bone may become displaced and move out of place. Fractures are most commonly caused by falls, car accidents, and dog bites; however, cats can also break their bones during play or when roughhousing with other animals such as dogs or kittens.

Signs of a fracture include limping or inability to move one limb, which will be swollen and tender to touch if there's been some sort of trauma affecting your cat's leg (such as being hit by an object). If you suspect that your kitty has suffered an injury like this--and especially if it's an emergency situation--call up your vet right away so they can take care of him/her ASAP!

Signs of a fracture.

First, it's important to understand that not all broken bones are visible. Sometimes the only sign of a fracture is the cat's behavior or lack thereof. A fracture can be quite painful for your cat, so if you notice any of these symptoms, take him or her to the vet right away:

  • Limping: Limping is one of the most obvious signs of a problem with your cat's leg or foot--but it isn't always clear whether it's just an injury or something more serious like a fractured limb. If you notice this symptom in your pet and aren't sure whether they should see a vet immediately, err on the side of caution and contact them anyway; at least then they'll know what kind of treatment options are available if needed later!
  • Difficulty moving: If your feline friend seems unable to move normally due to pain associated with his or her leg(s), then there might be something wrong beyond simple muscle soreness after exercise (although this could also present itself as difficulty moving). If possible try picking up each paw one at a time while gently massaging around where joints meet bone; if there is stiffness here then chances are good that something else besides muscle strain needs addressing sooner rather than later before damage occurs further down into ligaments etcetera...

When to get your cat to the veterinarian.

It is important to get your cat to the veterinarian as soon as possible if:

  • The fracture is severe. If the bone has been pushed out of place or broken into multiple pieces, you should seek immediate treatment. You can also call a veterinarian if you think your cat may have suffered a serious injury but aren't sure how severe it is, especially if there was significant bleeding or swelling associated with the incident.
  • Your cat is in pain and cannot bear weight on its leg(s) for more than 15 minutes at a time without vocalizing its discomfort (meowing loudly).
  • There is any sign of infection around where bones meet flesh due to broken skin from an open wound sustained during impact with an object or surface; these include redness around edges of wounds after 24 hours post-injury along with pus discharge from open sores that often smell foul compared with healthy tissue surrounding them; fever over 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius); lethargy despite adequate rest periods between activities such as eating/drinking etcetera; lack of appetite despite hunger pangs being present before accident occurred; weakness when trying walk/run normally versus stumbling while doing so due  to pain caused by fractured bones rubbing against each other when moving around normally."

How to treat a cat fracture at home.

  • Keep the cat calm.
  • Keep the cat warm.
  • Keep the cat still.
  • Make sure the cat can eat and drink.
  • Keep the cat indoors until you can get to a veterinarian, who will be able to assess its mobility and recommend whether or not further treatment is needed (such as surgery). If there are signs of infection or if your vet believes that amputation may be necessary, consider taking your pet straight to an emergency animal hospital instead of waiting for an appointment at another time during normal business hours--this could save both time and money in terms of getting them back on their feet again!

Cats have different body structures than dogs and humans, but that doesn't mean they can't get hurt!

Cats have different body structures than dogs and humans, but that doesn't mean they can't get hurt! In fact, cats are more prone to fractures than dogs or humans because of their smaller bones. Fractures can happen when they are jumping, running, or falling--even from jumping on beds or furniture. Fractures can also occur from trauma such as car accidents.

Bruises and swelling are signs of a fracture in cats; if your cat has trouble moving or cries in pain when you touch him/her near the injured area it's likely there is an injury that needs medical attention immediately.


Cats are amazing animals, and they deserve to be treated with care and respect. If you have any questions about what to do if your cat breaks a bone, don't hesitate to call your veterinarian!


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