First Aid Tips for Parents of Active Kids


The fact that you're reading this post means you're probably a parent. And if you're a parent, then it's likely that at some point your child will get hurt. This is a good thing, of course: children learn by getting into scrapes and pushing the boundaries of their abilities. But while these accidents can lead to wonderful memories (like the time your three-year-old fell off his bike and got up with tears in his eyes but no other injuries), there's also the chance for disaster if parents aren't prepared for what happens next. Here are some tips on first aid for parents of active kids:

Always have first aid supplies on hand.

You should always have a first aid kit in your home, car, and backpack. Make sure to include:

  • Gauze pads
  • Bandages of various sizes and shapes
  • Rubbing alcohol for cleaning wounds and sterilizing equipment
  • Scissors to cut away clothing around injuries (don't use them on the skin!)
  • Antiseptic wipes for cleaning wounds before applying bandages or dressing them with sterile gauze rolls

Be prepared for common injuries.

  • Broken bones
  • Cuts and scrapes
  • Burns
  • Poisoning (for example, from swallowing a battery or poison ivy)
  • Asphyxiation (for example, from choking on food)
  • Choking on food or toys
  • Animal bites or scratches (a dog bite can be dangerous if it breaks the skin)
  • Staying away from power lines that can electrocute you if touched. Electricity is dangerous! Don't touch any electrical outlet unless you're sure it's unplugged first! Also, watch out for lightning storms while playing outside--they could strike anywhere at any time so stay inside until they pass by completely.
  • If someone has been injured in an accident involving electricity contact emergency services immediately.
  • Always look both ways before crossing streets to avoid getting hit by cars driven by careless drivers who don't follow traffic laws when driving around town.
  • Never talk to strangers because they might try taking advantage of you by asking questions about yourself that could reveal personal information about where your family lives etc...and then use that information against us later on down the road when we least expect it!

Make sure you know how to use your first aid kit.

It's important to make sure you know how to use your first aid kit. Check the expiration dates on supplies, and make sure that you have all the supplies you need. It's also helpful to keep an extra pair of latex gloves in case someone needs them during an emergency situation. You should be prepared for a variety of injuries, including sprains and fractures; cuts, bruises, scrapes, and insect bites; burns; abdominal pain (from stomach aches); heat exhaustion/heat stroke; fainting or dizziness from shock - whatever comes your way!

Learning different bandaging techniques will come in handy when treating wounds at home or with one of our trained professionals. Here are some examples:

Bandage around joints without restricting movement.

Use triangular bandages for larger areas with lots of movement such as an arm.

Keep dressings dry by placing them under clothes instead of over them.

Use sterile gauze pads under pressure points such as elbows where blood may pool after injury occurs.

Apply pressure directly onto the bleeding area using sterile gauze pad until the bleeding stops completely before applying another layer over the top if needed.

If possible apply ice directly onto injured area until the swelling goes down enough so that dressing can be applied without causing further discomfort

Don't be afraid to call 911.

If your child is in an emergency situation and you're not sure what to do, it's better to call 911 than not. Even if you think the situation isn't serious enough for an ambulance ride, the paramedics might still want to check your kid out at the hospital and make sure everything is OK.

The best way to avoid a trip in an ambulance is by having a first aid kit on hand at all times. If you keep one in your car or home (or both), then hopefully it won't be too difficult for someone else who lives with you (like another parent) on how much time it takes for them before reaching out for help from professionals like paramedics--which could mean life or death depending on how quickly treatment begins after the injury occurs! That said though: Don't forget about expiration dates when stocking up on supplies!

Take a CPR class, and practice what you learned until it becomes second nature.

All parents should take CPR classes, and practice what they learned until it becomes second nature.

If you can't find a class near you, there are also several online courses available. Here are some tips for practicing at home:

  • Take turns with another adult (or older child) as the victim while another person watches and gives instructions on what to do next. Start by putting your hands on top of theirs so that their palms face up, then press hard enough so that their chest rises slightly for about one second before releasing pressure for about two seconds--then repeat this rhythmically until help arrives! This is known as "chest compressions" or "CPR", which stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. You should continue doing this until paramedics arrive or until someone else takes over providing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (also known as rescue breathing).

Give your child the basics on how to avoid getting hurt, and keep them updated as they get older.

You can also help your kids develop a sense of responsibility by teaching them the basics of first aid. As they get older, keep up with their growing knowledge and make sure they're updated on how to avoid getting hurt or what to do if something does happen to them. It's important for kids who play sports or other active hobbies (like skateboarding) to know how to take care of themselves after an injury occurs, so make sure you have a first aid kit on hand that contains everything from bandages and ointments all the way through rehab equipment like crutches or casts if necessary. You should also keep track of where all these supplies are located: having them stored in different places around your house means they may not be accessible when needed most!

It's important to be prepared with a well-stocked first aid kit, but there are also things parents can do before an emergency strikes.

It's important to be prepared with a well-stocked first aid kit, but there are also things parents can do before an emergency strikes.

  • Have a first aid kit and know how to use it.
  • Practice CPR on your kids (or someone else's) regularly so you know what to do in case of an emergency.
  • Be prepared for common injuries like cuts and scrapes or broken bones by having bandages, ointment, and other supplies on hand; learn how to make simple splints out of cardboard rolls or sticks if needed; have ice packs ready in the freezer for sprains or strains; keep extra clothing (like old T-shirts) handy for covering wounds until they can be washed later on when you're at home again with access to running water--it will help keep the dirt out!


It's important to be prepared with a well-stocked first aid kit, but there are also things parents can do before an emergency strikes. Make sure your child knows how to avoid getting hurt and keep them updated as they get older. If they're involved in sports or other physical activities where injuries are more likely (like biking), consider taking a CPR class together so that everyone knows how to respond if something goes wrong.


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