How to Administer CPR in Confined Spaces

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a crucial life-saving skill that can mean the difference between life and death in emergency situations, especially when performing CPR on an adult in a confined small restaurant. The environment is noisy, chaotic, and filled with untrained bystanders, making the situation even more challenging. While most people are aware of the basics of CPR, such as chest compressions and rescue breaths, administering CPR in confined spaces presents unique challenges that require specific techniques and considerations. In this blog, we will explore the essential steps and strategies for performing CPR that best aligns with basic CPR guidelines while effectively managing the situation. Understanding the challenging conditions and what sequence of actions to take is crucial for effectively managing the situation.

Why CPR in Confined Spaces is Different

Confined spaces can vary widely, from small rooms to underground tunnels, and each presents its own set of challenging conditions when it comes to administering CPR. Some of the key factors that differentiate CPR in confined spaces from standard CPR in open areas include effectively managing the chaotic environment, such as a small restaurant where bystanders are not medically trained.

Limited Space

The most obvious challenge in a confined and crowded space is the limited room to maneuver. This restriction can make it difficult to access the victim and perform CPR effectively.


Confined spaces often lack proper ventilation, leading to poor air quality. This can affect both the rescuer and the victim and must be taken into account during CPR.

Safety Hazards

Confined spaces may contain hazards such as toxic gases, chemicals, or structural instability. Rescuers must prioritize their safety while attempting to save a life.


In many confined spaces, communication with emergency services or other rescuers may be compromised, necessitating clear and concise actions.

Steps for Administering CPR in Confined Spaces

Administering CPR in confined spaces requires a systematic approach that aligns with basic CPR guidelines while effectively managing the situation to prioritize safety and effectiveness. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Assess the Situation

Before entering a confined space, assess the situation carefully. Ensure that it is safe for you to enter, taking into account any potential hazards. If the environment is not safe, do not attempt to rescue the victim without proper training and equipment.

2. Call for Help

If possible, call for professional help immediately. In confined spaces, every second counts, and it's essential to have backup on the way.

3. Don Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Before entering the confined space, don appropriate PPE to protect yourself from any hazards. This may include a respirator, gloves, and eye protection.

4. Position the Victim

If the victim is not in a safe position, carefully move them to a location where you can perform CPR without endangering yourself or the victim further.

5. Open Airway and Check for Breathing

Gently tilt the victim's head back to open their airway and check for signs of breathing. If the victim is not breathing or is only gasping, proceed with CPR.

6. Begin Chest Compressions

In confined spaces, it may be challenging to provide adequate space for chest compressions. Position yourself in a way that allows you to compress the chest at least 2 inches deep while minimizing any potential risks.

7. Adjust Rescue Breaths

If you are trained in CPR with rescue breaths, adjust your technique to minimize the risk of inhaling harmful substances. Use a barrier device if available or consider performing chest compressions-only CPR.

8. Maintain a Rhythm

Maintain a steady rhythm of chest compressions and, if applicable, rescue breaths. Continue CPR until professional help arrives or the victim shows signs of recovery.

9. Communicate with Others

If there are other rescuers or individuals present, assign roles and communicate effectively to ensure a coordinated rescue effort. Maintain clear communication with emergency services as well.

10. Monitor the Victim

Continuously monitor the victim's condition and adjust your CPR technique as necessary. Be prepared to stop CPR if the victim regains consciousness or professional rescuers take over.

11. Evacuation

If the confined space becomes unsafe for any reason, evacuate immediately, prioritizing your safety. Remember that your well-being is essential for helping the victim effectively.


Administering CPR in confined spaces is a challenging but critical skill that can save lives in emergency situations. It requires careful assessment of the environment, adherence to safety protocols, and effective communication with other rescuers and emergency services. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can increase the chances of a successful outcome when faced with the daunting task of performing CPR in confined spaces. Remember that proper training and ongoing practice are essential to mastering this skill and being prepared to respond effectively when it matters most.

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