How to Prevent Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure in Public Facilities

How to Prevent Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure in Public Facilities


Bloodborne pathogens are a serious concern for businesses and employees. These pathogens include Hepatitis B and C, as well as HIV. They're transmitted through contact with the blood of an infected person. It's important to take steps to prevent exposure in public facilities such as bathrooms, locker rooms, and cafeterias because these areas are often used by multiple people on a daily basis.

Clean up spills.

  • Clean up spills.
  • Use a clean, dry cloth to absorb the spill. Do not use a wet cloth or paper towels as they can spread bloodborne pathogens around the area where they are used. If you can't clean up a spill with these materials on your own, call in professional help and wear gloves while doing so.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth while handling bloodborne pathogens--this includes coughing into your sleeve instead of using your bare hands! Wash them often with soap and water after working with potentially infectious materials (like blood), especially if someone else has been exposed through contact with those materials too!
  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizers offer an easy way to disinfect quickly when there isn't time for thorough hand washing but still want some protection from germs like those found on doorknobs/door handles which might contain viruses like influenza A virus (common cold).

Use proper personal protective equipment (PPE).

A good rule of thumb is to use proper personal protective equipment (PPE) when exposed to blood or bodily fluids. PPE includes gloves, masks, and gowns. If you are an employee who handles blood or bodily fluids on a daily basis, it is recommended that you wear a face shield in addition to your other PPE items.

When using PPE:

  • Use fresh sets of disposable gloves for each patient or procedure being performed; this helps prevent cross-contamination between patients as well as between patients and environmental surfaces such as bed rails or countertop areas where instruments may be placed during procedures.
  • Change out all reusable medical devices if they become contaminated with bloodborne pathogens.
  • Always wash hands after removing gloves; if this cannot be done immediately after removing them due to time constraints then sanitize them instead by wiping off any visible contaminants with an alcohol wipe or washing thoroughly with soap under running water before placing them in a designated area where they will remain until properly disposed of according to
  • Do not reuse disposable gowns because doing so could lead people into thinking that these garments were actually cleaned before being reused again later down the line.

Handle sharps properly.

  • Use a puncture-resistant container. This is the best way to handle sharps and prevent them from being exposed to others.
  • Use a hard surface for disposal. You can use a hard surface, such as concrete or wood, instead of foam or cloth when throwing away needles and syringes. If you must use foam or cloth, make sure to put it in a heavy-duty plastic bag first before disposing of it in your regular trash bin.
  • Never recap used needles! This practice increases the risk of accidental needle sticks because recapped needles may not be visible until they have been handled by someone else who then gets stuck by accident on top of what could've been avoided altogether if precautions were taken beforehand."

Perform routine inspections.

You should perform routine inspections of your public facility to ensure that all safety standards are met. Inspections should be done by a trained professional and documented, as well as performed at different times of the day.

The first step in performing a thorough inspection is to develop an inspection checklist. This will help you keep track of what needs to be checked and how often it needs to be done so that nothing gets missed during your visitations. The next thing on your list should be making sure that all areas have been thoroughly cleaned before starting work again after being closed for any length of time (such as overnight). Finally, make sure all equipment used in cleaning has been properly sanitized before being put back into use again; this includes mops/brooms/etcetera used for cleaning floors--these items must also undergo regular maintenance checks!

Public facilities must take the proper precautions to prevent exposure to bloodborne pathogens

Public facilities must take the proper precautions to prevent exposure to bloodborne pathogens. This includes cleaning up spills immediately, using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), and handling sharps properly.

With regard to cleaning up spills, public facilities should use universal precautions when dealing with any bodily fluids or materials that could be contaminated by bloodborne pathogens. They should always wear gloves when handling potentially infectious waste products, such as needles and syringes; have a designated area where these items can be discarded safely; dispose of all infected materials in accordance with local regulations; ensure that there are no open wounds on employees' hands before they handle potentially infectious waste products; never place medical waste in regular garbage containers or dumpsters outside your facility; store your medical supplies in an approved container until they can be properly disposed of at another location (such as at a hospital).

Inspections performed regularly by trained staff members are also important for preventing exposure at public facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and dental offices where employees may come into contact with bloodborne pathogens during their workday."


If you're looking for ways to prevent the spread of bloodborne pathogens in public facilities, there are several steps you can take. First and foremost, make sure that all employees follow proper protocols when dealing with blood or other bodily fluids. This includes wearing personal protective equipment such as gloves and gowns when appropriate, washing hands after each patient encounter, and disinfecting everything from instruments to floors before anyone enters an exam room or surgery area again so nothing gets contaminated by cross-contamination.


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