Bloodborne pathogens are a serious issue, and if you're not taking proper precautions, you could get sick. In this post, we'll discuss bloodborne pathogens and how to protect yourself from them.
What Are Bloodborne Pathogens?
Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms that can be transmitted from person to person through blood. These pathogens include viruses, bacteria and parasites. Some examples of bloodborne pathogen infections include hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV.
When you work in the healthcare industry or handle medical equipment or supplies (such as needles), you may be at risk for exposure to these harmful microorganisms. Since many of them cannot be seen with the naked eye, it's important that you know how to protect yourself from them by following proper safety protocols when working around blood products or other potentially contaminated materials.
Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If you have to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or clothing (not bare skin). When working with bloodborne pathogens, use standard precautions that include wearing protective equipment like masks, goggles or face shields; however keep in mind that PPE does not replace hand washing techniques which are the most important step in preventing exposure to these diseases!
Hepatitis B and C are both viral infections that affect the liver. They can cause serious health problems, including chronic liver disease, liver failure and cancer. Hepatitis B is transmitted through exposure to infected blood or other bodily fluids, while hepatitis C is typically spread through contact with an infected person's blood.
How You Can Contract a Bloodborne Pathogen
You can contract a bloodborne pathogen by coming into contact with another person's blood, semen, or other body fluids. You can also contract them through indirect contact with contaminated items such as needles used to inject drugs.
If you are exposed to these substances through non-intact skin (for example if you cut yourself on something), or mucous membranes (like your eyes or mouth), then it is possible for them to enter your bloodstream and infect you.
You may be at risk for exposure to bloodborne pathogens if you work in a healthcare setting or handle medical equipment or supplies.
You are also at risk if you inject drugs or have sexual contact with someone who does. You can become infected with a bloodborne pathogen even if the person who is transmitting it does not have any visible cuts or abrasions on their skin.
Inside the Workplace
- Wash your hands.
- Wear gloves.
- Wear protective clothing (e.g., long sleeves and pants).
- Use safety equipment as needed, such as face shields or goggles, masks with high efficiency filters (HEPA), respirators rated at least N100/P100, etc..
- If you're comfortable with it, use personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect yourself from bloodborne pathogens like gloves and face shields for example; however keep in mind that PPE does not replace hand washing techniques which are the most important step in preventing exposure to these diseases!
Being stuck with a needle or other sharp object that has been used for body piercing and tattooing. -Getting blood in your mouth through kissing, biting, sucking or licking another person’s blood.
Outside the Workplace
It is important to remember that the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens does not just occur on the job. While you are working, use gloves, masks and goggles when handling blood or body fluids. Do not eat or drink in the area where you are working and make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before eating or drinking anything else.
When working with a patient who has been exposed to bloodborne pathogens, it's important to wear protective clothing and use the proper tools. Make sure your hands are clean, too!
The most important thing you can do is protect yourself. When it comes to bloodborne pathogens and other contaminants, the first line of defense is a good pair of gloves and other protective clothing. If you're going to be using needles or other equipment that might come into contact with potentially infectious materials, make sure they're sterile before use.
After completing an activity that could potentially expose you or others around you to bloodborne pathogens (like using the bathroom), wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds--this will help prevent any viruses from spreading through touch alone! And lastly: don't share needles or other equipment unless absolutely necessary!
If the blood or other body fluids are splashing, wear disposable clothing that covers as much of your body as possible and never put on your regular clothes until you have washed away all of the infectious material.
It's also important to keep in mind that bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted through contact with infected body fluids as well. This means that if you're working with a patient who is coughing, sneezing or vomiting, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
In conclusion, it's important to understand the risks of contracting a bloodborne pathogen. The best way to protect yourself from these diseases is by following proper procedures at work and at home.
If you have a cut on your hands, make sure to cover it with gloves before working. If there are no gloves available, use plastic wrap or tape to protect yourself from any bloodborne pathogens that may be present.