Bloodborne pathogens are infectious agents that can enter the body through a break in the skin or mucous membranes, such as those found in the mouth, nose, eyes and anus. Bloodborne pathogens can also be transmitted to another person through bodily fluids such as blood and semen. Some of these diseases have no cure; others can be treated with antibiotics or antivirals if they're caught early enough.
What are bloodborne pathogens?
Bloodborne pathogens are bacteria, viruses and parasites that can be transmitted through blood. They can be transmitted by an infected person through infected blood, body fluids or tissue. They may also be transmitted through a contaminated needle or other sharp instrument. The most common bloodborne pathogens are hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), HIV/AIDS and human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV).
HBV causes acute inflammation of the liver and chronic disease in about one out of every ten people who become infected with it; these two forms of hepatitis are known as acute hepatitis B and chronic active hepatitis respectively. Symptoms include fever, unusual tiredness and weakness, nausea vomiting stomach pain dark urine pale stool yellow eyes jaundice
How do bloodborne pathogens enter the body?
Bloodborne pathogens can enter the body through a cut, scrape or open wound. They can also enter through mucus membranes, such as those in your eyes, nose and mouth. Additionally, they may get into your bloodstream if you have an open sore or lesion on your skin; if there is an open sore or lesion in your mouth; or if there is an open sore or lesion anywhere else on your body (for example: genitals).
Bloodborne pathogens can enter through unprotected sex with someone who has been infected by one of these diseases (including oral sex). If this happens while they are having their period then there's also a risk that they could pass on HIV/AIDS via breast milk instead of semen/vaginal fluid so make sure condoms are used at all times!
What are the signs and symptoms of bloodborne infections?
The signs and symptoms of bloodborne infections can range from mild to severe. They may include:
- fever, chills and fatigue
- headache, muscle ache and joint pain
- painless bumps on the skin (petechiae)
- nausea or vomiting
If you have any of these symptoms for more than a few days or if your condition gets worse, please seek medical care immediately or go to an emergency room. You should also contact your healthcare provider if you experience any of these symptoms:
Who is at risk for bloodborne infections?
Who is at risk for bloodborne infections?
People who work with blood or other body fluids, such as:
- Healthcare workers who may need to draw blood from patients
- Dentists and dental hygienists who work with patients' mouths and gums
- Veterinarians, veterinary assistants, animal control officers and laboratory workers (e.g., those working in research labs) who handle animals infected with diseases like rabies
People who share needles:
- People who inject drugs (including prescription drugs) or steroids; people who share syringes/needles used to inject insulin; people who receive tattoos/piercings using unsterilized equipment; prison inmates
How is a bloodborne infection diagnosed?
Bloodborne infections are diagnosed based on symptoms, physical examination, laboratory tests and radiologic studies such as x-rays or CT scans.
Other tests may be performed to determine if the patient has a bloodborne disease:
- Barium swallow examination (upper GI series). This test may be used to check for a leak in the esophagus or small intestine. The patient swallows a solution that contains barium, which allows internal organs to show up better on an x-ray and shows any problems with them
Is there a cure for a bloodborne infection?
Bloodborne infections are not curable, but they can be treated. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms and preventing further spread of the infection. Bloodborne pathogens are often fatal if left untreated, so it's important to seek medical attention immediately if you suspect you have been exposed to one.
Most bloodborne pathogens respond well to antibiotics; however, some forms of hepatitis have no known cure or treatment options available yet (1). Most people who contract hepatitis C will experience chronic liver disease over time (2), though some people may never develop symptoms from their infection at all (3).
Although anyone can get a bloodborne pathogen through exposure to bodily fluids like blood or semen--and even just touching something wet with these fluids on it--there are some groups who are at higher risk than others: healthcare workers who handle blood products; intravenous drug users; patients undergoing surgery who receive injections into their bloodstream; those living with someone infected by HIV/AIDS because they share needles used for injection drugs use together
Proper disposal of biohazards will help protect you and others from preventable illnesses.
Proper disposal of biohazards will help protect you and others from preventable illnesses.
- How to dispose of biohazards:
- Where to dispose of biohazards:
- What to do if you are exposed to a biohazard:
- What are the dangers of improper waste disposal?
In the end, it's important to remember that bloodborne pathogens are preventable. By following these tips and knowing what to watch out for, you can protect yourself and others from these dangerous infections.