Learn How an AED Works

An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is a device that can be used to analyze heart rhythms and patterns in individuals that may be experiencing cardiac arrest.The automated external defibrillator, or AED, will administer a shock if needed to try to reset the heart to normal functioning rhythms. An AED is often used in conjunction with CPR and when used together properly, the victim’s survival rate is significantly increased.  When you take a CPR course or ACLS (advanced cardiovascular life support) BLS (basic life support) renewal online course, you will learn about AED devices and how to use them properly during CPR training.

AED devices are also introduced in the infant and child CPR and first aid classes online certification programs. Many individuals don’t know that you can successfully use an AED on infants and children. Children can sometimes have medical conditions or be involved in an accident that leaves them in a cardiac emergency situation. This is why having a defibrillator certification and maintaining current first aid and CPR certification is so important.

AED devices are used in victims who have gone into cardiac arrest. A cardiac arrest is not the same as a heart attack. A heart attack is caused by a blockage in the artery to the heart. Cardiac arrest is when the heart simply stops. Cardiac arrest can happen to anyone and at any time. If you see a coworker suddenly collapse for no apparent reason, cardiac arrest could be the reason. When you hook up the AED device to the victim, it will scan the heart to determine if cardiac arrest has occurred and will administer a shock to restart the heart if needed. It is important during the scanning process that anyone nearby stay away from the victim and do not touch them. If you are too close to the victim or touch them, the scan may accidentally scan your heart information instead of the victim’s heart, collecting incorrect data and possibly preventing the lifesaving shock from being administered. If the AED device is not hooked up to the victim as soon as possible, their survival rate decreases approximately ten percent per minute. Leave all electrode pads in place during CPR and AED usage.  Do not try to remove them. They are able to be used again as long as you don’t’ remove them. This can same emergency personal time when transporting the victim to a hospital and having to shock the victim with an AED machine while in route. Take a CPR training course online and learn how to save a life today! 

CPR Certifications
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