Pediatric CPR: The Differences and Why They Matter


One of the most different types of CPR that are used on children depending on their age. Let's dive into these differences so that no matter what situation arises while caring for your child, you'll know exactly what steps need to be taken!

Pediatric CPR is different from adult CPR.

Pediatric CPR is different from adult CPR. It's more complex, and it's more likely to be successful when started sooner. Adults should be trained in adult CPR first, then take a pediatric course after that. Special pediatric manikins are available for training purposes -- these can help you learn how to perform CPR on children of all ages (and even infants). In addition to learning about the differences between adult and pediatric CPR, you'll also learn how important it is for everyone who cares for children under 20 years old to know how to do chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 per minute; these compressions should be delivered at 1/3rd of the depth of an infant's chest cavity or 1/2th an adult's chest cavity size (whichever applies).

If someone needs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while they're still breathing normally but just unconscious due to illness or injury, give them 2 rescue breaths followed by 30 chest compressions before checking again if they're still unresponsive; this is especially true if there isn't anyone else around who can provide assistance because they might not know what steps need to be taken next after checking if someone has stopped breathing normally themselves!

The ABCs of Pediatric CPR

When performing pediatric CPR, it is important to remember what the letters stand for.

Airway - The airway must be open and clear so that the child can breathe freely. If necessary, use an approved device (such as an oropharyngeal airway) or insert your finger into their mouth to remove any obstructions from their throat. Do not give them anything by mouth until they are breathing normally again because doing so may cause them to choke on vomit or food particles in their stomach.

Breathing - If your child's chest does not rise with each breath after you have opened up their airway, then provide rescue breaths until they start breathing on their own again or until professional medical care arrives at the scene of an emergency situation (in which case you would no longer need to provide rescue breaths). Cardiac compressions - After ensuring that both sides of your child's chest rise simultaneously during each breath taken through mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (or if there is no pulse), begin giving 30 chest compressions using two fingers placed directly over where his heart lies beneath his ribs while applying pressure down against those bones--not across them!

Child-size manikins are available for training in pediatric CPR.

These manikins are available in different sizes, skin colors, and genders. They also come with a variety of ethnicities so that you can train students on how to perform CPR on any child they may encounter during their job.

Do we need different manikins for adults and children? You might be wondering if there is really a need for these types of tools or if they're just expensive toys that take up space at your school or organization's training site. The answer depends on what type of skills you are trying to learn from using them: Are there other kinds of training tools we can use instead? What are the pros and cons?

Considerations when giving CPR to infants and children.

  • Infants are at higher risk of experiencing complications from resuscitation efforts. They may have an immature nervous system and may not respond as well as adults do.
  • Children have a higher risk of suffering brain damage from lack of oxygen due to chest compressions or rescue breaths that are too shallow. This is why it's important for parents or caregivers who are trained in CPR (and those who aren't) to give chest compressions only--and only enough breaths so that the child's chest rises slightly when you release your hands after 30 seconds without breathing on the child yourself.

Check out this link for a video of a child being revived with chest compressions, mouth-to-mouth, and a bag valve mask.

For example, this link will take you to a video of a child being revived with chest compressions, mouth-to-mouth, and a bag valve mask. The video is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to know more about how CPR works in practice.

It's also important to note that many training courses offer classes on pediatric resuscitation using child-size manikins. In fact, many hospitals require that first responders have some type of training before they can respond to an emergency situation involving children--and that includes knowing how much force should be used during resuscitation efforts (i.e., too much could cause more harm than good).


As you can see, there are some pretty big differences between adult and pediatric CPR. While both adults and children can suffer from cardiac arrest, the symptoms of this condition are different in each group. The first step is to recognize that something may be wrong with your child before you even begin administering rescue breaths or chest compressions--so get in the habit of checking up on your kids regularly!


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