Pet CPR: A Lifesaving Skill for Your Furry Friends


Every year, nearly 23 million Americans have pets. If you are one of these pet owners, you know that your pet is an important part of your life. But did you know that CPR can also be used on dogs and cats? Pets may not seem like they're breathing or moving when they are actually in cardiac arrest. This can happen quickly and without warning—and it happens often! In fact, one veterinarian estimates that up to 75% of all sudden deaths in dogs occur at home. So if your dog stops breathing or shows signs of distress—or if you see any other symptoms, such as vomiting or diarrhea—it's important to take immediate action by administering CPR until help arrives by calling 911 immediately

What is pet CPR?

Pet CPR is a combination of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. It's used to help pets who have suffered cardiac arrest or respiratory failure, but it should only be performed by a vet or trained professional.

It's important to note that pet CPR isn't the same as human CPR--it doesn't involve chest compressions on both sides of your pet's body, just one side at a time; there is no need for rescue breaths; and only use this skill in emergencies if there are no other options available (like calling 911).

How does it differ from human CPR?

The procedure for treating a pet is similar to human CPR, but there are some key differences. It's important that you know how to perform pet CPR so that you can help your furry friend in an emergency situation.

Since many dogs and cats have shorter snouts than humans do, it's important that you're able to open their airways as soon as possible after performing chest compressions. Open the mouth by pushing down on the tongue with one hand and lifting up on the jaw with the other hand--this should allow enough space for you to breathe into their lungs without touching them with your mouth directly (though if this isn't possible, go ahead!). If there is vomit blocking their throat or airway, try using a towel or gauze pad soaked in water from your sink (careful not to get any debris in there!) before giving rescue breaths again until they start breathing normally again on their own without assistance from anyone else present at home who might be able usefully to assist instead of just watching helplessly while trying not to think too hard about how bad things could get if this doesn't work out right away...

When should you use pet CPR?

  • If your pet is unconscious.
  • If your pet has stopped breathing.
  • If your pet is having trouble breathing, or making wheezing noises while trying to breathe, and you think they may be choking on an object such as a toy or treat lodged in their throat--try removing the object before attempting to perform CPR. This can be done by placing one hand on top of the animal's head, placing two fingers between its teeth, and gently pulling backward (do not force anything!). Repeat this process until you've removed all foreign objects from its mouth and throat area; then continue with chest compressions until help arrives or until it wakes up again on its own!
  • If there is heavy bleeding from a wound that won't stop bleeding no matter how hard we try pressing down with our hands overtop after applying direct pressure for several minutes straight without success (this includes blood coming out through nostrils).

What are the signs of a pet emergency?

There are many signs that your pet is experiencing a medical emergency.

  • Breathing difficulties. If your pet isn't breathing, or if you can see their chest rising and falling very slowly, they're in trouble.
  • Cardiac arrest (or heart attack). If your dog or cat collapses suddenly and appears unconscious but still has a pulse, they may have suffered cardiac arrest and need CPR immediately! Check for breathing first--if there isn't any movement of the chest at all when you press down on it gently with the palm of one hand while feeling along its spine with the other hand for any bumps (which might indicate broken bones), then go ahead and start chest compressions by pressing firmly down about two inches above where their elbow would be if they were standing up straight on all fours/paws; repeat this motion 30 times per minute until help arrives--and remember: don't forget to breathe into them every few seconds while doing so!

How to administer pet CPR

  • Check for breathing: If the pet is not breathing, start chest compressions.
  • If the pet is breathing, continue monitoring and wait for an opportunity to check for a heartbeat (if possible). If there is no heartbeat, start chest compressions immediately and continue as above until help arrives or the pet recovers consciousness on its own

Pet CPR is an essential skill that can save your furry friend's life.

If you're reading this, chances are you've had a pet emergency at some point in the past. And while it's important to know what to do in an emergency, it's equally vital that you recognize the signs of one happening before they happen so that you can react faster and save your pet's life.

Pet emergencies don't always occur at convenient times--they often happen when we least expect them: when we're out on walks or at work or even just sitting around watching TV with our dogs curled up next to us on the couch! But no matter how prepared we think we are for these situations, there's still always room for improvement (and learning more about how best to help our furry friends).


CPR is a lifesaving skill that can be used on both humans and pets. The most important thing is to know how to perform it, so don't hesitate to learn pet CPR if you haven't already!

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