Pet CPR: A Must for All Pet Owners

Pet CPR: A Must for All Pet Owners

It’s a fact of life that all pets will die one day. But the reality is that many owners don’t give this much thought until their pet is near death and they have to make an emergency trip to the vet. Take heart: It's never too early to think about your pet's end-of-life wishes—and what steps you can take now to ensure your best friend's final moments are as peaceful as possible.

First, know what to do.

The first step to knowing what to do is learning the steps. Here are the basic instructions:

  • Stay calm, and don't panic. Panic can lead to mistakes that could be fatal for your pet.
  • Begin chest compressions immediately after calling for help or taking your pet directly to a veterinarian. If there's no time for either of these things, give chest compressions as best you can until help arrives! It may seem like an eternity in this situation, but it won't take long before someone comes along with something more effective than just your hands on their chest (which is what we're doing). Don't forget about their tongue either; try not to push down too hard on it so as not to cause any further damage when trying desperately to save them from dying right now rather than later.

Know your pet's CPR steps.

  • Chest compressions are performed by placing your hands on your pet's chest and applying pressure. You should feel for the ribs, then push down about one inch (2.5 cm) with enough force to depress them about 1/4 inch (0.6 cm). Do this 30 times per minute until help arrives or your pet starts breathing again on its own.
  • For mouth-to-nose resuscitation, use a pet oxygen mask--the kind used by humans--to provide airflow into their nose and mouth while you're performing chest compressions.
  • You should also know how to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation when needed: Open the animal's mouth wide; pull back its tongue if necessary; pinch its nose shut; blow gently into its mouth while watching out for signs of vomiting or coughing up mucus; repeat as needed until help arrives or until the animal starts breathing again on its own.

Stay calm and don't panic.

If you're like most pet owners, the thought of performing CPR on your furry friend is enough to make your heart skip a beat. But it doesn't have to be that way! The most important thing is to stay calm and not panic. If you can do that, then everything else should fall into place.

If your pet has become unconscious and isn't breathing normally, follow these steps:

  • Place him or her on their side (in case they vomit).
  • Open his/her mouth slightly with one hand while supporting his head with the other hand; this will allow air into their lungs when you breathe for them later on in step 4 below.

As soon as you begin the chest compressions, call for help or take your pet to a veterinarian immediately.

If you're alone and cannot get help, continue with chest compressions. If your pet is unconscious, but not breathing or has no heartbeat, begin giving CPR. You don't have to be an expert to perform these life-saving procedures--just follow these simple steps:

  • Put the animal on its right side on a flat surface so that its head is lower than its body (this will make it easier for air to enter and leave its lungs).
  • Place one hand over the other and place them just behind where their heart would be located; then press down firmly five times per second until they start breathing again or until help arrives.

Don't forget about the tongue!

  • Stay calm and remember that you are doing everything you can to save your pet's life.
  • Do not stop performing CPR until 1) Your pet has been taken to a veterinarian; 2) You are told by emergency services that there is nothing more they can do for your pet; or 3) You have exhausted all efforts for at least 15 minutes (including calling 911).

CPR can help save your pet.

CPR should be performed on any animal with a heartbeat, even if they are not breathing. All pets need oxygenated blood flowing through their bodies in order to stay alive and healthy; CPR helps circulate this vital fluid by squeezing the heart between beats so that it pumps more efficiently. This process also increases blood flow through the body, which is important because many diseases affect our pets' ability to breathe properly or move around normally (e.g., paralysis).

By performing chest compressions as described above, you can increase your dog's chances of survival in an emergency situation where its owner cannot perform mouth-to-snout breathing techniques (e.g., choking).


CPR can be a life-saving procedure for your pet. It's important that all pet owners know how to perform CPR on their pets, so they can be prepared in case of an emergency. I hope this article has been helpful in teaching you what steps need to be taken when performing CPR on your furry friend.


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