Pet CPR: A Vital Skill in Pet Care Emergencies


CPR is a life-saving technique that can be used to revive a pet. It's not always easy to perform and requires training, but it's worth learning—especially if you're the only person around when your dog has an allergic reaction or falls into the pool. While there are plenty of videos online that show how to administer CPR on dogs, cats, birds, and other small pets, few of them offer specific instructions for these types of situations. Here are some tips on how to give your furry friend CPR when they need it most:

What you can do

  • Start CPR. If you don't know how there are many resources available online that can teach you. In an emergency situation like this one, it's best not to wait around for someone else; just go ahead and do it! If the animal is still breathing but unconscious, begin chest compressions by placing two fingers on either side of its breastbone and applying pressure until you feel resistance from its ribs (about one second). Then release completely before doing another compression. Repeat this process at a rate of 100 times per minute until help arrives or until the animal regains consciousness or dies--whichever comes first.

How to begin CPR

Perform CPR on a pet only if they are not breathing and have no pulse.

If your pet is not breathing, check them for signs of breathing by placing your hand on their chest and feeling for movement. If there is no movement, try to rouse them by tapping gently on their cheek or rubbing their nose with yours (this can sometimes stimulate a reflex that causes them to breathe). If this doesn't work, check for open airway passages by lifting up their lips away from the teeth and looking down into the mouth; if there is anything blocking the airway such as food or vomit, remove it with your fingers or tweezers before attempting CPR again.

If your pet still isn't breathing after checking for an open airway and removing any obstructions from their mouth, then start performing chest compressions until help arrives: place two fingers just under where you would find an armpit in humans; place one hand over this spot firmly but gently apply pressure downwards into their chest cavity 10 times (1 second per compression); release pressure completely before doing another set of 10 compressions again until help arrives

Things not to do

  • Do not give up. If your pet does not respond to CPR, continue until help arrives and/or the animal is revived.
  • Do not try to force the animal's mouth open by pulling on its tongue or jaw--this can be very painful and may cause injury.
  • Do not try to feed or give water while doing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation; it won't help your pet breathe better and could make things worse by causing aspiration pneumonia if food gets into the lungs (the part of our bodies where we breathe).

When to start CPR on a cat, dog, or other pet

If you see your pet collapse, stop and call for help. If you're alone, try to get them in a safe position and place them on their side so they don't choke on their tongue or vomit.

If your dog or cat is not breathing, begin chest compressions by placing both hands directly over the ribcage (between two ribs) with fingers interlaced, thumbs clasped together and palms facing up. Compress at least one inch deep into their chest at a rate of 100 times per minute until help arrives or they start breathing again on their own.

If they are having trouble breathing due to an allergic reaction or another medical condition such as heart disease or diabetes--or if there's blood coming from his nose/mouth area--call your veterinarian immediately!


You can save your pet's life by doing CPR. You should start CPR as soon as you can and continue until help arrives, or until you see signs of improvement in your pet (such as breathing).

  • Put your pet on a firm, flat surface such as the floor or ground.
  • Kneel by your pet's neck or shoulders.
  • Put one hand over the other and place it directly over the center of their chest so that there is no space between them and their fur (or skin). This will allow for maximum compression when pushing down into their chest cavity during each compression step below.
  • Push down in this position--not just onto their ribs but into their entire chest area--with enough force so that they make an audible "whoosh" sound when exhaling air after being compressed; this means that you're going deep enough! You should feel like there's some resistance from bones inside which helps ensure proper placement without causing injury if done correctly...but don't worry if this doesn't happen right away; practice makes perfect!


As you can see, pet CPR is not a difficult skill to learn. In fact, it's something that everyone who loves their dog or cat should be familiar with. It's important to remember that not all pets will respond well to this treatment method, so always consult a veterinarian before attempting anything on your own animal--even if they look like they're dead!

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