Pet CPR: Keeping Your Furry Friend Safe in Emergencies


If you’re reading this, chances are you love your pet. And if you love your pet, chances are you want to keep them safe and healthy for as long as possible. One way to do that is by learning how to perform CPR on your dog or cat in case of an emergency. While most emergencies can be treated at home, it's always good to know what steps to take when something goes wrong.

Keep the basic rules of CPR in mind

  • Keep your pet's airway open. If you see your pet collapse, follow these steps:
  • Check to make sure they're not choking (see below).
  • Call for help if you need it and then start CPR by pushing firmly on the chest with two fingers right behind the front legs, about one-third of the way up from the floor. You should compress at a rate of 100 compressions per minute until your dog recovers or is taken to a vet clinic for further treatment.
  • Do not induce vomiting in case it was something toxic that caused the collapse.
  • If there are any unusual symptoms or behaviors in your cat or dog that could indicate something serious happening inside his body (like excessive salivation), ask questions when visiting with a veterinarian who can help you determine whether further action is needed.
  • Do not attempt mouth-to-mouth resuscitation unless instructed by an expert because doing so may cause harm rather than benefit due to bacteria present within human mouths being transferred over into animal systems during such procedures; however, if necessary try using artificial respiration techniques instead which involves placing both hands underneath either side

If you see your pet collapse, follow these steps

If you witness your pet collapse, it's crucial to react quickly and appropriately. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Check if Your Pet is Choking: Ensure that your pet is breathing and not choking on something. If they are choking, try to carefully remove the object if possible.
  2. Call for Assistance: If you need help, call someone nearby. If you have access to a phone, reach out to your local veterinarian or an animal emergency service right away.
  3. Start Pet CPR: If there is no breath detected, start pet CPR. Position your two fingers just behind the front legs, and press firmly on the chest, approximately one-third of the way up from the floor. Keep up a rate of around 100 compressions per minute until your pet recovers or medical help arrives.
  4. Look for Unusual Symptoms: If your pet displays any unusual behaviors or symptoms like excessive salivation, this could indicate a severe internal issue. In such cases, seek a veterinarian's advice immediately.
  5. Avoid Inducing Vomiting: If you suspect that a toxic substance may be responsible for your pet's condition, do not induce vomiting. Wait for veterinary assistance.
  6. Avoid Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation: Unless advised by a veterinary professional, do not attempt mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The bacteria in human saliva can potentially harm an animal's system. Instead, opt for artificial respiration techniques if necessary.

Learning these procedures in-depth and being effectively prepared can increase the chances of your pet's survival in an emergency. Enhance your knowledge and skills further by getting certified with the Pet CPR + First Aid Certification from MyCPR NOW. This course offers detailed instruction on Pet CPR & First Aid for both dogs and cats, covering common pet injuries, safety considerations, and much more.

If your pet has a medical emergency, ask for help

In case of an urgent medical situation with your pet, don't hesitate to ask for assistance.

Seek aid immediately from a veterinary clinic. If you're uncertain about how to act when your dog or cat is struggling with their breathing, it's crucial to engage the experts. These professionals will guide you regarding further steps and how to proceed.

If your pet has consumed something potentially harmful, get advice immediately. Time is of the essence in such situations and ensuring the right step is taken can be crucial.

Never neglect to call for immediate medical assistance if someone else is in need of urgent attention! It's always wiser to err on the side of caution when it concerns our health and that of our pets.

Ask questions when you see unusual symptoms in your pet

If your pet is exhibiting unusual symptoms, it's important to ask questions. Ask your vet if your animal has any known health problems or if the symptoms should be cause for concern. If so, bring him or her in for a checkup immediately and let the vet know what happened. You should also ask if they recommend bringing in the animal yourself or calling an ambulance; some situations require immediate medical attention from hospital staff who are trained in treating animals.

If there is an emergency situation that requires immediate attention like pet CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), call 911 immediately before attempting anything else! Don't waste time looking up videos online or trying to read up on how-to guides--the best thing you can do at this point is get help right away!

Learn how to help your pet in case of an emergency.

  • Be prepared for an emergency
  • Know how to help your pet
  • Ask questions when you see unusual symptoms
  • Know what to do if your pet has a medical emergency
  • Keep the number of an emergency vet or poison control on hand, along with any other important information about your furry friend (like their medical records). Also, make sure that all members of the household know where this information is stored so it's accessible in an urgent situation!

You should also keep a pet first-aid kit on hand. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the contents of this kit and how to use them in an emergency.

If you're not sure how to use a particular item or if you have any questions, contact your vet. If it's an emergency, call 911 and let the operator know that there is a pet involved.


We hope this article has given you a better understanding of how to keep your furry friend safe in an emergency. Remember, it's important to be prepared in case something happens, but don't panic if nothing does!

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