Pet Safety: Avoiding Common Hazards in Your Home

The home is where we spend the most time, and it can be dangerous for pets. In fact, more than two million household accidents involving pet dogs and cats result in emergency veterinarian visits each year. A variety of common hazards can put your beloved animal at risk for injury or even death. The following are some of the most common causes of accidents that occur in households with pets:

Biting Animals

  • Clean your pet's teeth regularly.
  • Teach your pet to behave around children and other pets, especially if you have young kids or other animals in the house.
  • Teach your dog not to bite strangers or people he doesn't know well (like postal workers). 
  • If you have a cat or bird, teach it how not to attack those animals as well. 
  • Be sure that reptiles are kept away from other pets so they don't get hurt or killed by accident!

Drowning (in the tub, sink, toilet, and faucet)

  • Keep the bathroom door shut.
  • Keep the toilet lid down.
  • If you have a faucet with running water, keep it turned off when not in use, and always keep it at least arm's length away from your pet (or any other animal).
  • If you have a sink with running water, make sure that no part of your pet can reach into it while they're playing around in there.


Electrocution is a serious hazard for pets. It can happen if your pet chews on an electrical cord or gets tangled in it, drinks water from a toilet that has been left unflushed, or comes into contact with other common electrocution hazards.

Smaller animals such as cats are particularly at risk because they are not good fighters or runners and may struggle to escape if another animal attacks them outside or at home.

Falls from a high place

While you don't have to worry about your pet falling from a high place, there are some things you can do to prevent this.

  • Keep small pets away from high places. If you have a cat or dog that likes to jump up on things, keep them off of countertops, beds, and couches. This will help keep them safe if they accidentally slip off while playing around at the top of something.
  • Make sure they can't get onto the countertop by putting something sturdy in front of it (like a chair) that they won't be able to climb over easily; then keep any household cleaners out of reach as well--you don't want your furry friend drinking poison!
  • Be careful where you leave household cleaners: make sure they're stored safely out of reach so curious paws don't get hurt when trying to sniff them out! Also, remember not let pets drink from bathtubs or toilets because these areas contain harmful bacteria which could cause illness if ingested by an animal."

Getting hit by a car or bitten by a dog outside

Your pet's safety is your responsibility. Here are some tips for keeping your dog or cat safe when it's outside:

  • Keep an eye on your pet while they're playing in the yard. If you see another animal approaching, call the animal owner over and ask them to keep their pet away from yours--and vice versa!
  • Don't let your dog off-leash unless there is a designated area where dogs can run free without bothering anyone else (like a dog park). If you need to walk through an area with other people or animals, keep control of your animal by using a leash or carrying them in a carrier bag if possible--you don't want to risk getting bitten! Also remember that even if there aren't any signs saying so explicitly, many places prohibit dogs from entering certain areas due to health code violations; make sure that where ever you go has been deemed safe before allowing your access inside."

Poisoning by cleaning products or plants in the home.

  • Keep all cleaning products out of reach of children and pets.
  • Keep plants in the home away from pets. If you suspect your pet has eaten something toxic, call the vet immediately!
  • Make sure to fence in your yard so that it does not become a hazard for your dog or cat - especially if there are small children living in the house with them! It's also important to keep an eye on where they roam when outside so nothing bad happens while they're exploring their surroundings (or just playing around).

If you want some extra peace of mind about keeping poisonous plants out of reach from curious little paws (and mouths), call a professional who can check around for any dangerous flora lurking nearby before deciding what kind of landscaping materials would be best suited for creating a safe environment for both animals and humans alike!

Make sure your pets are safe in the home.

  • Supervise your pet when they are in the home. Pets should not be left unsupervised, especially around small children.
  • Keep medications and cleaning products out of reach of pets.
  • Keep your pet's nails clipped to avoid injury to you or others as well as damage to furniture or carpeting (this is important for long-haired cats as well).
  • Make sure your pet has been spayed or neutered; this reduces their urge to roam outside which could lead them into danger by crossing roads where cars travel fast, fighting with other animals who may also have been roaming free, being attacked by predators such as coyotes that live around urban areas like ours here in Los Angeles County where I live now with my husband Chris after moving here from New York City last year when our daughter was born six months ago! She loves playing with her new puppy named Snowy who we adopted from an animal shelter nearby called ASPCA Los Angeles so don't forget about those either!


We hope that this article has helped you to understand the risks associated with having pets in the home and how to keep them safe. We also want to remind readers that, as with any other type of safety, prevention is key. Make sure your pets are properly trained so they don't bite or scratch and always supervise children around animals (or vice versa).


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