Fleas and ticks are bloodsucking pests that can cause serious health problems, especially for pets. Flea bites in humans often lead to an itchy rash, but sometimes they can also cause a spread of infection. This article explains how to prevent and treat fleas and ticks bites if you or your pet comes into contact with these critters.
How to remove fleas.
- Use a flea comb to remove fleas from your pet.
- Wash your pet's bedding in hot water, then dry it on high heat for at least 30 minutes.
- Spray the carpet with an insecticide or shampoo your pet with flea shampoo before vacuuming up any dead fleas and eggs that remain in the carpet fibers after washing.
- Add one or more of these products to your weekly routine: flea preventative medication; insect growth regulator (IGR) treatments; sprays containing pyrethrins or other botanicals such as eucalyptus oil; shampoos that contain permethrin (rat poison) or amitraz (antiparasitic).
How to prevent fleas.
The best way to prevent fleas and ticks is by keeping your pet's coat clean. If you can do this, then there is no need for pesticides or repellents.
To keep their coats clean:
- Bathe them regularly with a gentle shampoo that does not contain harsh chemicals such as fragrances or dyes (some shampoos even have flea-repellent properties). You should also brush them regularly so that any dead skin or hair can be removed easily during bathing or brushing sessions.
- Use flea combs every few weeks if necessary - these are specially designed combs with fine teeth that will pick up any fleas that may be present in their fur without irritating the skin underneath it too much.
- Clean bedding regularly - if possible, replace old blankets/pillows, etc once every 6 months because they become less effective over time when exposed to sunlight, etc which dries out the material making it easier for pests like ants & cockroaches, etc., but especially fleas& ticks!
How to get rid of ticks.
You can remove ticks with tweezers, or kill them with alcohol or a hot match. If you have access to chemical sprays that are safe for your dog or cat, these are great options as well.
You can also use a lint roller on your pet's fur and skin after walks in wooded areas to remove any ticks before they get stuck in their skin.
If you want to try something more natural first, try using witch hazel on the tick itself (and not your pet) until it dies off; this method has been shown effective in killing off even hard-to-get-rid-of species like deer ticks (Ixodes scapularis). You could also use cotton balls soaked in witch hazel to wipe over any areas where there may be some remaining fleas--this will kill them instantly without harming your animal!
What to do if you develop a rash after a tick bite, or think you may have Lyme disease.
If you develop a rash after a tick bite, or if you think that you may have Lyme disease:
- Call your doctor immediately if this happens. The rash can sometimes be mistaken for other types of rashes such as poison ivy or an allergic reaction. If not treated properly, the rash can spread and become more serious over time. It's important to seek medical attention right away so that any complications can be avoided.
- If you have flu-like symptoms (such as fever), call the doctor immediately as well; these symptoms could also indicate Lyme disease infection in some cases!
- If your rash does not go away within three weeks after it appears on its own (without treatment), then see a doctor again--this could indicate an allergic reaction or another type of skin condition rather than Lyme disease itself but still needs attention nonetheless! Other signs include redness around the site where the tick bit you; severe fatigue; headache; muscle aches; joint pain/stiffness throughout various parts of the body including neck shoulders knee wrists ankles hips elbows fingers toes soles feet heels ankles calves thighs buttocks cheeks stomach chest back ribs abdominal muscles chest cavity rib cage thoracic spine lumbar spine sacrum coccyx tailbone pubis pelvic bone pubis symphysis pubis [sic]
Even if it's not serious, a few things can help relieve the itch and discomfort of a flea bite, and reduce the chance of infection.
- Don't scratch the bite. You might be tempted to scratch itchy skin, but this can lead to infection and scarring.
- Wash the area with soap and water. Use warm water if you have a reaction such as swelling or redness around the bite site, which indicates an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).
- Apply topical cortisone cream or hydrocortisone cream (over-the-counter anti-itch medication). This is useful for relieving itching from flea bites, but remember that these creams won't prevent infection -- they just relieve symptoms until it's gone away on their own -- so don't use them for more than five days in a row without talking with your doctor first! Some people find these creams very effective at reducing swelling and redness around their wounds; however, others experience no improvement whatsoever after applying such products topically onto open wounds caused by bites from fleas etcetera.. If this happens then try another type of medication instead like Benadryl pills taken orally rather than applied directly onto open wounds caused by biting insects."
There are many ways to prevent and treat flea and tick bites, but they can be difficult to deal with. If you have any questions or concerns about your pet's health.