Refreshing Your CPR Skills: When and Why You Should Do It

Refreshing Your CPR Skills: When and Why You Should Do It


CPR is a skill that anyone can learn, and it may be the difference between life and death for someone who has suffered cardiac arrest. However, like most skills, one's ability to provide CPR will degrade over time if they do not practice regularly. Fortunately, there are several reasons why you should consider refreshing your CPR certification:

You've been certified.

If you've been certified in CPR, it's a good idea to refresh your skills every 5 years. Even if you don't think they're needed, it's important to keep up with the latest guidelines and techniques in emergency care.

If you haven't been trained in first aid, but think that learning CPR could be useful for yourself or others, then become certified as soon as possible! There are lots of different ways for people to get trained these days--you can take classes at community centers or schools; read books on the topic; watch videos online or buy DVDs from companies like EverlyWell Health & Wellness Co-Op (I highly recommend their product); join clubs where members help each other learn new things; etc...

You've been certified a while ago.

You've been certified a while ago.

Certification in CPR is typically recommended to be kept current for at least two years, although some employers may require annual renewals. To help with tracking, an online tool called the Certification Renewal Tracker is available, allowing individuals to enter their information and receive reminders when it's time to renew.

If you have forgotten when your certification expires or how long it has been since last being renewed: Contact the organization that provided your original training course(s). They should be able to tell you what steps need to be taken next in order for them to reissue updated information about their program requirements and procedures which may include retaking an introductory level course as well as passing any required exams before receiving new credentials with updated expiration dates printed on them

There have been changes in the guidelines.

The guidelines are updated every five years. The latest version is 2010, and the previous version was 2005. The next update will be in 2020, which means we'll all need to be up-to-date on our CPR skills by then.

Other than being required by law in some states, there are many reasons why it's good for you to practice your CPR skills regularly:

  • You'll feel more confident in an emergency situation if you know what to do--and how quickly! Your confidence will also help calm down others around you who may be panicking or feeling unsure themselves.
  • Practicing makes things easier when someone needs help at home or work; they won't have any difficulty understanding what actions need to be taken because they've already been taught them beforehand (and probably even practiced them).

You want to refresh your knowledge.

If you are a healthcare professional, it is recommended that you be recertified every two years. If you are not a healthcare professional, it's still important to know how to perform CPR on someone who needs it. In this case, a refresher course can help refresh your knowledge and make sure that when an emergency situation arises where someone needs saving from cardiac arrest or respiratory failure (or both), you'll be ready.

First aid training is another great way to get up-to-date on what types of injuries are common and how best to treat them before emergency services arrive--and some first aid courses include CPR training as part of the curriculum!

Refreshing your CPR skills can improve your chances of being able to save someone's life, so it is worth doing occasionally even if you don't think you need it.

There are several ways to refresh your CPR skills:

  • Online CPR courses are available from several organizations, allowing individuals to complete them at their convenience and from any location.
  • In-person. Many hospitals and medical centers offer classes for people interested in learning how to perform CPR or take refresher courses on it every year. If you're interested in taking an in-person course, check with local hospitals or medical centers near where you live (or work) for information about what might be available near them.
  • With friends or family members who are also interested in learning how to do CPR properly so they can help save someone's life if they ever need it! This is especially important if there are young children around who may need assistance during an emergency situation such as choking on food or water--if no one knows how to perform first aid techniques like those taught through this program then lives could still be lost unnecessarily because someone didn't know how do save them!


The bottom line is that it's worth taking some time to refresh your CPR skills. Even if you don't think they're needed, they could be the difference between life and death for someone else. And even if you think your skills are fine right now, there may be new guidelines coming out soon that will require an update anyway! So don't wait until it's too late--make sure your knowledge stays up-to-date by checking in with this guide every few years or so.


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