The Lifesaving Value of CPR Certification


It is estimated that every minute without CPR can reduce a victim's chance of survival by ten percent. That's why knowing how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is important—and it's so easy to learn! We'll show you how, plus all the benefits of being trained in CPR. So read on, then start practicing:

It's easy to learn.

Learning CPR certification is easy. You can learn in an hour, and you don't have to be a doctor or nurse to do it. Here are some tips:

  • Go online and take an online course that will teach you what to do in an emergency situation.
  • Watch YouTube videos on how to perform CPR on adults, children, and infants with step-by-step instructions from experts like Dr Chris Cannell of The Doctor's Channel.
  • Attend a class run by your local hospital or community college where they provide hands-on learning opportunities with mannequins (fake people) so that when someone collapses in front of us we won't panic and know exactly what steps need taking first before calling 911."

You can save a life.

CPR is the most effective way to save someone who has stopped breathing or whose heart has stopped beating. It's easy to learn and has been proven time and again to be an effective lifesaving skill for anyone who wishes to learn it.

One in three Americans have their CPR certification, meaning that there are millions of people around you who may be able to help if you find yourself in need of emergency care.

You'll learn CPR in less than an hour.

You'll learn CPR in less than an hour. You can practice on a dummy and even on yourself, which is rare for a skill like this. You can decide that you are the one who wants to be able to save lives, so why not start now?

The steps are easy: First check if they're breathing or not, then roll them onto their back with their head tilted back slightly (called the recovery position). After checking again for breathing, give 30 chest compressions at a rate of 100 per minute; this should take about 2 minutes total if there's no pulse yet (you'll have to check again). Then give two breaths into their mouth as they lay on their back--or put them in another position if they're unconscious but still breathing normally (called cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Repeat this cycle until help arrives or until their heart starts beating again on its own!

You'll be prepared for any emergency.

If you're working in a job that requires CPR training, it's important to know what being certified means. You can use the acronym "ABC" to remember this lifesaving rule: Airway, Breathing, Circulation.

CPR certification is also required by many other industries and professions. For example, most states require lifeguards to be certified in basic life support (BLS) or advanced cardiac life support (ACLS). Nurses and EMTs need to be able to perform CPR on patients as well--and they often take special classes specifically designed for their field of work.

Becoming certified will help ensure that you're prepared in case of an emergency situation--whether at home or at work--and give you peace of mind knowing that if anything happens while performing your duties as a caregiver or first responder like a police officer or firefighter then everyone involved will stay safe thanks largely due one fact: knowing how to perform CPR correctly!

It's the most effective way to perform CPR.

CPR is the most effective way to perform CPR. It can save a life, and it's something that everyone should learn. Everyone should know how to do CPR because so many people need it and don't have time for an ambulance or paramedics to arrive on the scene.

CPR is not only a lifesaving skill, but also an easy skill to learn as well! The majority of people who need CPR aren't in emergency situations; they're just having trouble breathing or passing out for some other reason (like being diabetic).

Lifesaving skills are easy to learn, but lifesaving training is rare.

Learning to perform CPR is easy. In fact, it can be done in as little as 20 minutes. But that's only half the battle--the other half is getting certified and practicing what you've learned.

How long does it take? Most classes last just 2 or 3 hours, but they're packed with information that will stick with you for life. You'll learn how a person's body responds when they're having a heart attack or stroke (and what to do about it), how much pressure to apply when performing chest compressions on an infant versus an adult, how to help someone who has been electrocuted--even how best practices have changed over time!


If you're interested in learning more about CPR certification, check out our certifications. We also provide information about first aid training for other medical emergencies such as asthma attacks or strokes.


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