Understanding AEDs

Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) are very common in workplaces, public buildings, and in some cases even private homes. Although there are different brands of AEDs, the basic functions of the AED are similar in that you must first turn the device on, which may be as simple as opening the device or having to manually turn on the power button. Some AED models have text prompts or voice prompts. Then the AED will most likely prompt the rescuer to attach the AED pads to the device, some AED models ask for the rescuer to make the connection while others are already connected. Once the pads are properly attached to the person’s chest and no one is touching the person, including you, the device will analyze for a rhythm within the heart muscle and following the analyzation it may prompt the rescuer to deliver a shock, again make sure no one is touching the person. Begin delivering CPR after delivering the shock or if no shock is advised, begin compressions and continue to do so until emergency medical personnel arrive.

Some of the other AED model differences can depend on the size and position of the pads, so ensure before you begin using the device, to check the pictured instructions printed on the AED to ensure they match where the pads are placed on the person.

As a reminder always make sure 9-1-1 is called prior to beginning care and that AEDs should only be used when providing aid to an adult, or a non-breathing child 8 years of age or older, weighing more than 55 pounds.

It is important to review the functions and the steps for using the AED routinely if there is one present within your workplace or personal setting, because it is vital to understand the steps and make yourself aware of potential differences in AEDs. Most of this knowledge can be obtained from taking a CPR and AED course, which now is offered as an online CPR and AED certification course if one does not already possess a certification. If one has already obtained a CPR and AED certification, then it may be useful to access some of the CPR test quiz practice exams, or the CPR test study guide in order to refresh your knowledge on the topic. If after taking the CPR practice test you are still not confident with your skills or would even like to expand your knowledge and skill set, then take an adult CPR test with AED or an AED online examination.  

Taking an AED or CPR practice class is a sign of strength and commitment to the safety of others. These CPR online opportunities, like those offered by MyCPR NOW, will empower you and give you confidence during a time of emergency when quick thinking and actions are of the utmost importance.

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