What Are Bloodborne Pathogens?

The bloodborne pathogens standard is a set of guidelines issued by the government to reduce the risk of exposure to potentially infectious materials in the workplace. The standard applies to all workers whose jobs involve exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM). So what does this mean? In short, it means that every worker who comes into contact with blood or OPIM must be trained on how to avoid exposure as well as what steps they can take if they do get exposed.

The Need for Certification

In order to ensure the safety of your employees, students, volunteers, and visitors, you need to ensure that they are properly trained in the appropriate procedures for dealing with bloodborne pathogens. You may also need to train contractors who come onto your premises. This can be done through a variety of ways including online courses or live training sessions. 

The Cost of Certification

As with any certification, the costs of Bloodborne Pathogen training and certification are not insignificant. The average cost of a one-day class is between $100 and $200, depending on location and provider. In addition to tuition fees for classes and exams, you will also need to purchase safety equipment such as gloves (which can range from $15-$30 per pair) or masks ($25-$50), as well as pay for testing if required by your employer's policies.

Continuing education courses are often offered at reduced rates during non-peak times--such as summer months--and some employers may reimburse employees who take this initiative of their own volition. There are several ways that continuing education can save money: firstly by reducing lost productivity due to illness; secondly by reducing training costs associated with employee turnover; thirdly by helping maintain an attractive workplace environment where employees feel safe enough to stay healthy throughout their careers

What Is the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard?

The Bloodborne Pathogens Standard is a set of rules that requires employers to train employees on bloodborne pathogens, have a written exposure control plan, and follow universal precautions.

The  Bloodborne Pathogens Standard was created for everyone's safety. The purpose of this standard is to reduce the risk of occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens within the workplace. It applies to all employers whose employees may be exposed while performing job duties such as medical professionals; dental professionals; veterinary technicians; laboratory workers; tattoo artists/piercers/body piercers; school bus drivers who transport children under the age of 16 years old (school bus transportation providers); daycare center staff members who work with children under age 18 months old or have contact with those who are unable to walk unassisted due to their ages (child day care centers); restaurant hosts/hostesses working directly with guests eating food prepared on-site rather than eating pre-packaged items from vending machines located outside kitchen areas where food preparation takes place inside restaurants which provides services like sit down dining options instead giving customers take away bags containing pre-made meals ready for consumption outside premises like fast food chains do every day).

The Bloodborne Pathogen Standard and Training Requirements

This mandate applies only if you work in certain industries or occupations that are considered high risk for exposure: healthcare workers, laboratory technicians and researchers, dentists/dental hygienists/assistants who come into contact with patients' blood on a regular basis (including dental assistants), veterinary technicians who work with animals that can carry infectious diseases like rabies or hepatitis B virus infection; tattoo artists/piercers who use unsterilized instruments on clients; funeral directors/embalmers working directly with dead bodies; first responders at accident scenes where there's likely been human tissue trauma such as severe lacerations from broken glass or vehicle accidents involving multiple victims; janitorial staff who clean up bodily fluids left behind by patients after surgery procedures such as dialysis sessions; workers who operate meat processing equipment used in slaughterhouses where there may be accidental cuts due partaking animals killed for food consumption purposes (such as cows).


  • Takeaway:

Bloodborne pathogens are a serious concern for workers in the healthcare industry. There is a need for certification because of the risk of infection, which can result in serious illness or even death. The cost of certification depends on your location and other factors, but it's generally less than $200 per year (or about $20 per month).  It details who needs training on how to protect themselves from these types of illnesses while working with patients infected with them or any other source that could cause infection through contact with blood or bodily fluids like semen or vaginal secretions.


The standard outlines the requirements for training and certification, including how often workers must receive refreshers on their knowledge base. In addition, it outlines what types of activities may result in exposure to bloodborne pathogens as well as how much protection should be used during these activities (such as gloves). Finally, this standard also requires employers to provide information about how employees can protect themselves against infection when working with potentially infectious materials at home or outside work hours.


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