What Does ABC Stand For In CPR?

What Does ABC Stand For In CPR?

In CPR, "ABC" stands for the fundamental steps that are followed in the initial assessment and intervention for a person who is unresponsive and not breathing or not breathing normally. These steps are crucial for providing immediate care and support to someone experiencing a cardiac or respiratory emergency. Here's what "ABC" represents:

1. Airway

A stands for "Airway." The first step in CPR is to assess and ensure that the person's airway is open and unobstructed. This involves checking if there are any visible obstructions, foreign objects, or any other factors that could be blocking the airway. To open the airway:

  • Gently tilt the person's head backward and lift the chin up. This helps to align the airway and allows for better airflow.

If an obstruction is visible in the mouth or throat, it should be carefully removed to clear the airway. However, never perform a blind finger sweep, as it may push the obstruction deeper.

2. Breathing

B stands for "Breathing." After ensuring an open airway, the next step is to assess the person's breathing. Look, listen, and feel for normal breathing for about 5-10 seconds. Check for chest rise and fall, listen for breath sounds, and feel for exhaled air near the mouth and nose. If the person is not breathing or is breathing abnormally, you should start rescue breaths or continue with the next step, depending on the situation.

3. Circulation

C stands for "Circulation." Once the airway is open, and breathing has been assessed, the focus shifts to circulation, specifically checking for a pulse. The absence of a pulse indicates cardiac arrest. If there is no pulse, chest compressions should be initiated immediately.

  • Perform chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute. After each set of compressions, check for signs of circulation and breathing.

These steps are commonly referred to as the "CPR sequence" or "CPR cycle," and they form the foundation of basic life support. In cases where a person is unresponsive and not breathing, the prompt and systematic application of these steps can be life-saving until professional medical help arrives.

It's important to note that in some CPR guidelines, the sequence has evolved to "CAB," with chest compressions taking priority over opening the airway and giving rescue breaths, especially in cases of sudden cardiac arrest in adults. However, both sequences emphasize the critical importance of maintaining an open airway, providing rescue breaths (when necessary), and performing high-quality chest compressions to support circulation and oxygen delivery to vital organs.

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