What Has Changed in CPR Techniques Over the Years?

In the last decade, there have been many changes in resuscitation techniques. You may be wondering what's different about CPR these days. This post will explain some of the ways that modern resuscitation techniques differ from those used in years past and give you an overview of how to perform life-saving chest compressions and ventilations correctly.

New CPR techniques 

  • The new method of checking for a pulse is done by feeling the neck, not the wrist.
  • You should feel for a pulse in three different places on your patient's body: at the carotid artery (located on either side of their windpipe); at the femoral artery (anterior to their groin); and in between their collarbones (also known as sternum).
  • If you find no pulse at any of these locations, then immediately call 911 or dispatch someone else to do so while continuing CPR until help arrives.

The rate of compressions 

While the old guidelines recommended a rate of 100 beats per minute, the new ones recommend a minimum of at least 120 beats per minute or more. In fact, there's evidence that suggests higher compression rates are even better than lower ones. For example:

  • The guidlines recommends a rate of at least 100 compressions per minute for adults who have been trained in CPR, but it says an optimal rate is closer to 120 or 150 (or even higher).
  • 100-120 compressions per minute as an ideal range for trained rescuers providing CPR on adults with first aid certification.

These recommendations may seem high compared to what you're used to seeing in movies like "A Star Is Born," where Bradley Cooper uses his bare hands to do chest compressions on Lady Gaga's character during an asthma attack inside her houseboat--but those numbers aren't realistic unless someone has been properly trained and certified in CPR techniques!

Ventilations have changed

  • Ventilations have changed from 30 breaths per minute to 15 breaths per minute.
  • Breaths are still delivered at a rate of one every 6 seconds, but now they're delivered with a compression pause between each breath and chest compression.
  • New guidelines recommend that CPR be continued until emergency responders arrive or the patient begins to breathe on their own, even if you've been doing CPR for more than 20 minutes--the old standard was about 10 minutes.
  • For children who have stopped breathing, rescue breaths should still be used instead of chest compressions because it's easier for parents and other bystanders who aren't trained in CPR (like teachers) to do this method correctly than it is for them not only follow directions but also perform compressions properly as well as deliver effective ventilation without causing harm or injury accidentally due lack knowledge/experience level needed

Hands-only CPR is now recommended for adults

The guidelines have been updated its guidelines for CPR. Hands-only CPR is now recommended for adults who suddenly collapse and are not breathing or not breathing normally (gasping).

The new recommendations include:

  • Hands-only CPR should be used for an adult who suddenly collapses.
  • When someone is unconscious and not breathing, it's important to check the person's pulse before beginning chest compressions.

If you are trained in CPR, continue to perform it as you were taught previously; if you aren't trained in CPR, follow these steps:

There are many new changes in resuscitation techniques 

There are many new changes in resuscitation techniques over the years, though all of them involve high-quality chest compressions and ventilation. The most important part of resuscitation is to establish a clear airway, which can be done with a head-tilt chin lift or jaw thrust. Once this is done, you should begin chest compressions at 100 per minute while delivering 2 breaths every 30 seconds (if you are untrained). If you don't know how to perform high-quality chest compressions, then get trained!

New research has shown that 120 compressions per minute may actually be better than 80 or 100 cpm because it allows more blood flow back into the heart during each compression cycle; however, this comes at the cost of less time spent ventilating (giving breaths).


The latest guidelines show that there are changes in the way we perform CPR. These changes have been made to increase the chances of survival for people who have suffered cardiac arrest. The new recommendations include giving compressions at a rate of 100 per minute and performing 30 chest compressions before each rescue breath. This new approach will help increase blood flow through the heart and lungs, which will help save more lives than previously thought possible with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).


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