When Do You Do CPR?

When Do You Do CPR?

Understanding the Basics: What Is CPR?

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It's a life-saving technique used when someone's heartbeat or breathing has stopped.

Components of CPR

It involves chest compressions and rescue breaths to maintain blood circulation and oxygen flow until professional medical help arrives.

Identifying the Need: Recognizing the Signs


If the person doesn't respond to stimuli like loud noises or shaking, it's an indicator that CPR may be necessary.

Lack of Breathing or Abnormal Breathing

Check for normal breathing patterns. Gasping or shallow breaths might necessitate CPR.

No Pulse

Some trained individuals might check for a pulse, but the absence of visible life signs usually requires immediate action.

The ABCs: Action Plan

A for Assessment

Before starting CPR, make sure the person is lying on a flat surface. Quickly assess their responsiveness and look for signs of breathing.

B for Begin

If the person is unresponsive and not breathing, or only gasping, initiate CPR.

C for Continue

Continue CPR until professional medical help arrives or the person regains consciousness.

Two Types of CPR: With or Without Rescue Breaths

Hands-Only CPR

This technique involves only chest compressions and is recommended for untrained individuals.

Traditional CPR

This involves both chest compressions and rescue breaths and is generally performed by those trained in CPR procedures.


For conscious adults, verbal or implied consent is often needed. Unconscious individuals are generally considered to have provided implied consent.

Special Cases: CPR for Children and Infants

Child CPR

For children aged one to puberty, CPR involves milder compressions and may involve different CPR ratios.

Infant CPR

Performed with two fingers, and more delicate, this is a specialized form of CPR.

Proactive Steps: Getting Trained

Certification Courses

Many organizations offer CPR training, both online and in person.

Refresh Your Knowledge

CPR guidelines can change, so it's a good idea to refresh your training regularly.

Role of Technology: AEDs

Automated External Defibrillators

These devices can analyze heart rhythms and deliver a shock to restart the heart. They often come with verbal instructions and are becoming more common in public spaces.


The use of an AED doesn't replace the need for CPR but can be used in conjunction with it until medical help arrives.

Community Initiatives: Spreading Awareness

Educational Programs

Community CPR workshops and training sessions can save lives.

School Programs

Including CPR training in school curriculums is a step towards creating a well-informed society.

Understanding when and how to perform CPR can make the difference between life and death. If someone is unresponsive, not breathing, or not breathing normally, initiating CPR is critical until professional medical help arrives. Always consult healthcare providers or professionals for proper training and guidelines.

CPR + First Aid Certification

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