Why CPR Certification is Vital for Every Citizen

Why CPR Certification is Vital for Every Citizen

An estimated 350,000 people suffer from sudden cardiac arrest in the United States each year. Half of these victims die, making it the leading cause of death in this country for both men and women.  However, bystander CPR rates are low across all age groups and communities due in large part to a lack of awareness about this lifesaving treatment and uncertainty over the proper technique.

Nearly 80% of Americans have never been trained in CPR.

CPR is a lifesaving skill that can help save a person's life. It only takes about five minutes to learn and perform, and it can be done by anyone--including you!

If you've never been trained in CPR, or if it has been more than five years since your last training, now is the time to get certified again. There are nearly estimates that 80% of Americans have either never been trained in CPR or have not received training within the last five years.

Approximal there only one in three Americans are certified in CPR. While most people say they would perform CPR or at least call 911 if they saw someone in cardiac arrest, only a small percentage of those actually do it.

The Importance of Knowing CPR.

If you are a parent or caregiver to a small child, it's important that you know how to perform CPR on them in case of an emergency.

  • Learn how to perform CPR on a small child: Review the steps listed above and practice with a doll or other object that approximates the size of your child. If possible, take a CPR class through your local community center or hospital; this will provide hands-on instruction from an instructor who can teach you how best to handle kids' fragile bodies when performing lifesaving procedures like chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
  • Know what to do if there is an emergency: If someone else is present during an emergency situation involving children (or any other person), encourage them not only to ask questions but also help out by performing whatever tasks seem appropriate for their comfort level--whether that means doing nothing at all or taking charge as leader of the group during critical moments when seconds matter most!

If you are the only person present during an emergency situation involving children, try not to panic. Try to remain calm and focus on what needs to be done, even if that means calling 911 for help. If you're uncertain as to whether or not CPR should be performed on your child, call 9-1-1 and ask them what they recommend doing in this scenario.

350,000 people suffer from sudden cardiac arrest each year in the United States

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a medical emergency that can occur at any age, including in healthy people. When SCA occurs, the heart stops beating and does not pump blood to the brain and other parts of the body. This deprives those organs of oxygen and causes them to die within minutes unless CPR is performed right away.

Studies show more than 350,000 people suffer from sudden cardiac arrest each year in the United States alone--and approximately half of these victims do not survive after being taken to the hospital. In addition to being a leading cause of death among adults aged 19-64 years old, SCA also affects children ages 0-19 years old; however, it's important for parents and guardians alike not only to know how quickly this condition can develop but also how quickly it can kill if left untreated!

The chance of surviving is nearly 100% if they receive CPR from a bystander. 

CPR is the most critical step in saving a life. A person's chance of surviving is nearly 100% if they receive bystander CPR immediately after their heart stops beating. This means that any citizen can be trained to perform basic CPR on anyone at any time--including children and older adults--and make an immediate difference in someone's chance of survival.

CPR certification also teaches you how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED), which delivers an electric shock through pads placed on the chest wall; this helps restore normal rhythm after sudden cardiac arrest by restoring blood flow through ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia.

An additional 90 lives could be saved in just a few minutes before EMT arrives.

If you're ever in a situation where someone is experiencing cardiac arrest, don't be afraid to jump in and help. You may not know what to do at first--and that's okay! Bystander CPR can still save lives even when done incorrectly. Don't give up if you are unsure of your technique; keep trying until EMT arrives or an expert can take over.

Don't worry about hurting the victim by giving chest compressions or mouth-to-mouth resuscitation; even if they are injured during resuscitation efforts, the benefits outweigh any potential harm caused by your actions. In fact, research shows that providing effective bystander CPR (even without mouth-to-mouth) reduces mortality by 50% compared with no intervention at all!

Finally - don't worry about getting germs on yourself while helping out; studies show that people who provide bystander CPR rarely acquire infections from doing so.


In conclusion, it is important to remember that the most effective way to save lives is through bystander CPR. By increasing the number of people who are trained in this lifesaving skill, we can improve our nation's overall health and well-being.

CPR Certification

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