Why CPR Certification Should Be Mandatory

Cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death worldwide, but it's also a condition that can be treated by performing chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The fact that cardiac arrest is so common should make it clear why CPR certification should be mandatory for everyone over the age of 15. In this article, I'll discuss how heart attacks happen and why they're so common; what happens if you don't get immediate medical attention if you're having one (or worse—if someone else does); and why anyone who hasn't had proper training in CPR should consider taking a class ASAP.

A heart attack can happen at any age.

Heart attacks can happen to anyone, even if they don't have any risk factors. The estimates that one in every four deaths in the U.S. is caused by heart disease and stroke.[1] Heart attack symptoms are often mistaken for other conditions, which delay treatment and increase mortality rates.[2] In fact, cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in America--and nearly every year more than 450,000 people experience sudden cardiac death (SCD).[3] SCD accounts for about 30% of all SCDs; it occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating due to electrical disturbances in its conduction system or rhythm disturbances from an underlying condition like arrhythmia or myocardial infarction (MI) aka heart attack.[4]

If you're worried about having a heart attack or experiencing cardiac arrest yourself someday soon, then consider taking CPR certification classes so that you'll be prepared when either happens!

Cardiac arrest can happen to anyone.

Cardiac arrest is a medical emergency that can occur to anyone at any age. It can happen to someone you know, and it could happen to you. Cardiac arrest is not a condition that people are aware of until it happens, so there's no opportunity for prevention or preparation. Cardiac arrest occurs suddenly and without warning, often in a split second when you least expect it--in public places like malls or restaurants; at work; on the way home from school; or even in your own home while watching TV with family members nearby who could potentially save your life by administering CPR until emergency responders arrive on scene to continue treatment with an automated external defibrillator (AED).

Cardiac arrest affects more than 350 000 Americans each year--that's one person every two minutes!

CPR is the most effective way to save a life and it's easy to learn how to do it correctly and effectively.

CPR is the most effective way to save a life. It's easy to learn how to do it correctly and effectively, and it's free.

You can take an online course that teaches you CPR in less than 30 minutes, complete with videos and diagrams showing you exactly how it should be done. This certification is valid for two years, so if your certification expires before then (and many people don't renew) then there's no need for anyone over the age of 18 who knows how to perform CPR on adults or children under eight years old has no excuse not knowing their stuff! And if someone wants their skills refreshed before their certification expires? They can take another class at any time during those two years without having paid again first!

CPR certification is free, easy, and only takes 30 minutes to complete.

It's free, easy, and only takes 30 minutes to complete.

  • The course is free.
  • You can complete it in your own time and at your own pace, as there are no deadlines or time limits on when you have to complete the course.
  • There are no complicated tests or essays that need to be written down; all that's required is an online test consisting of just 20 questions which must be answered correctly before moving on to the next module (which teaches you how to use an AED).

You'll also learn how:  To perform CPR  How to use an AED  How to do the Heimlich maneuver

This article talks about why CPR certification should be a requirement for people of all ages.

CPR certification is a great way to be prepared in case of an emergency. It's easy, free, and only takes 30 minutes to complete.

It's important for everyone to know how to perform CPR because it can save someone's life. A heart attack can happen at any age, so knowing how to do CPR could potentially save your child, parent, or friend's life one day!


This article has given you a lot of information about why CPR certification should be a requirement for people of all ages. We hope that it has inspired you to think about getting certified, but even if you don't have time right now, we encourage everyone to take at least some basic first aid training so they know what they are doing in an emergency situation.


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