Pet CPR - Why You Should Know It

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, i.e., CPR, is not a new concept for many. But most people are unaware that the same can be used for our pets in an emergency. Seeing their pets in distress, especially if they’re choking, can be extremely hard for pet parents. Humans have the ability to speak and tell, but we need to look for signs in our pets to understand that they are in discomfort. We can save our pet’s life and avoid premature endings with accurate information.

What Does Pet CPR Mean?

When the pets are not breathing, this emergency life-saving procedure of artificial respirations and chest compressions is applied to them, just like human CPR, to revive them from such situations.

When we talk about pets, they face similar health issues like human beings. When pets stop breathing or their heart stops beating, it also results in a rapid oxygen level drop in their body. Vital organs such as kidneys and liver can fail to function correctly due to oxygen deficiency. Even brain damage can also happen in this respiratory failure situation. Hence, taking appropriate quick action is needed to help the pet.

Why Learn Pet CPR?

Firstly, you have a chance to save the life of your loved fur baby. This concept is unknown to most, and it might get difficult to find immediate help in such an emergency. It helps to keep the blood pumping until actual medical help arrives.

Secondly, it is not difficult to learn at all. With the proper knowledge, it can be done by anyone and anywhere. Pet CPR certification courses are available easily that can prepare you to stay calm and take the necessary actions in an emergency.

Various First Response Maneuvers

Under the ideal situation, the first responder to such an emergency is a medical professional with the proper equipment to handle the pet. But, as we know, emergencies rarely happen in perfect situations.

Often, the first person to reach the emergency scene is not a veterinarian. You must contact an emergency animal hospital or veterinarian immediately. The professional help may take some time to reach your location, but you may provide medical assistance till then. You might be able to save your pet if you know CPR techniques.

After contacting the animal hospital or a veterinarian, you need to check the A-B-C, i.e., Airway, Breathing, and Cardiac.

  1. You have to make sure that the airway of the pet is clear.
  2. You have to check whether the pet is breathing or not.
  3. You need to check for the heartbeat of the pet.

How Can You Provide CPR to Pets?

Once you have evaluated your pet's condition and find that it’s not breathing, you need to provide CPR to that pet.  Some of the basics are listed below.  For more information, check out our certification manual.  You can access it anytime for free!

  • Begin chest compressions by laying over your hand over its heart and pressing firmly
  • You need to place your mouth over the dog’s nose
  • Perform artificial respiration by blowing air into its mouth/nose to cause the chest to rise.
  • You need to assess the pet periodically for breathing and continue depending on it.

This is a basic procedure, but it slightly may vary from breed to breed. 

Signs Your Pet Needs Help

Following are some signs to watch out for that’ll tell you your pet needs emergency care:

  • Rapid breathing and weak or elevated pulse
  • Apparent paralysis or trouble while standing
  • Change in body temperature and pale gums
  • Loss of consciousness or uncharacteristic aggressive behaviors

If you find any symptoms from the above list, you should check on them and contact your vet immediately. Also, you can keep a basic first-aid kit for pets to manage such emergencies.

In situations of uncertainty, being prepared for the worst is important. You may save the life of your pet by learning the pet first aid and CPR, which will boost your confidence as a pet owner.

If you are interested in learning pet CPR and getting certified, check out our site - MyCPR NOW. Save lives and spread awareness!

Pet CPR - Why You Should Know It
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