CPR Certification: Why Every Parent Should Have It

CPR Certification: Why Every Parent Should Have It

I want to start this post by saying that I’m not a doctor or an expert on CPR. I’m just someone who has been trained in this lifesaving technique and has seen first-hand how useful it can be. That said, I strongly believe that every parent should learn CPR at some point. It’s one of those skills that could save your child’s life one day—and there are many situations where you might be the only person around who knows how to do it! If you’re reading this article because you’re thinking about getting certified as well, especially if you are new parents, then let me tell you what happened when my husband and I took a class together.

CPR: An Essential First-Aid Skill for Parents

Importance of CPR:

  • Lifesaving Potential: CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It’s a method of manually restoring blood circulation and breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest. Knowing how to perform CPR can save a life.

  • Parent’s Responsibility: As a parent, being able to perform CPR on your child in an emergency situation is critical. It’s a skill that can mean the difference between life and death.

Availability of CPR Training:

  • Accessible Training: CPR training courses are offered by many hospitals, schools, and community organizations such as fire departments or churches. The training takes about 15 minutes from a certified instructor.

  • Ease of Learning: These CPR courses are designed to be easy to understand and remember, making them accessible to everyone.

Many community groups, such as parent associations and local schools, also offer CPR training sessions to foster a collaborative learning environment.

The Impact of CPR Training for Parents

Survival Rates:

  • Increased Survival: A baby has a better chance of surviving if someone nearby is trained in CPR. Even a basic understanding can double a child’s chance of survival after cardiac arrest.

  • Preventing Brain Damage: CPR keeps blood flowing to the brain, helping prevent brain damage caused by lack of oxygen during cardiac events.

Real-Life Applications:

  • Near-Drowning Incidents: In cases of near-drowning, immediate CPR can make all the difference between life and death.

  • Choking Hazards: Knowing CPR can help manage situations where a child is choking, providing choking relief and ensuring you can act swiftly and effectively.

CPR training also covers how to recognize and address severe airway block, which is crucial for comprehensive emergency response.

Practical Steps for Learning CPR: Hands On Skills Practice

No Need for Expertise:

  • Basic Training Suffices: You don’t need to be an expert to save a life. Learning the basics of CPR can be done in minutes through online training or a local class.

  • Intent Over Technique: The key is to act quickly and with the intent to help. The effectiveness of CPR largely depends on how soon it is started.

CPR Certification Courses

  • Online and Local Classes: There are numerous resources available online and locally that offer CPR training. Courses cover essential skills such as performing chest compressions on both adults and children.

  • AED Training: Some courses also include training on how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), a device that can restart the heart during cardiac arrest.

  • Some courses offer stand-alone modules that focus on specific aspects of CPR, allowing for flexible learning. These topics can be taught separately or combined, providing a customizable learning experience.

Responding to Emergencies

Immediate Actions:

  • Perform CPR: If your child stops breathing, loses consciousness, or starts choking, begin CPR immediately.

  • Call 911: It’s crucial to call emergency services right away. Continue performing CPR until help arrives or the child begins to breathe normally again.

Friends CPR Family courses are designed to equip parents and caregivers with the skills needed to respond effectively in emergencies.

Techniques for Different Ages:

  • Infant CPR: For infants up to 12 months old, use two or three fingers to perform chest compressions about 1.5 inches deep, and cover both the nose and mouth when giving breaths.

  • Child CPR: For children aged 1 to adolescence, use one or both hands for compressions about 2 inches deep, and cover only the mouth when giving breaths.

Detailed Steps to Perform Infant CPR

  1. Ensure Safety

  • Check the Environment: Ensure the surroundings are safe for you to provide aid. Look out for any potential hazards.

  • Use PPE: If available, use personal protective equipment like gloves to protect yourself and the infant.

  1. Assess Responsiveness

  • Stimulate the Infant: Gently tap the infant’s foot or shoulder and shout their name. Look for any signs of movement or sound.

  • No Response: If there is no response, proceed to the next steps.

  1. Call for Help

  • Emergency Services: If you are alone, perform CPR for 2 minutes (5 cycles) before calling emergency services. If someone else is present, have them call 911 immediately while you begin CPR.

  • Retrieve an AED: If an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is available, have someone bring it to you.

  1. Open the Airway

  • Head-Tilt, Chin-Lift: Gently tilt the infant’s head back and lift the chin to open the airway. Be careful not to tilt the head too far back.

  1. Administer Breaths

  • Seal Over Mouth and Nose: Place your mouth over the infant’s mouth and nose, creating a tight seal.

  • Give Gentle Breaths: Give 2 gentle breaths, each lasting about one second. Watch for the chest to rise with each breath.

  1. Perform Chest Compressions

  • Finger Placement: Use two or three fingers placed just below the nipple line on the center of the chest.

  • Compression Depth and Rate: Compress the chest 1.5 inches deep at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.

  • Compression to Breath Ratio: Maintain the 30:2 ratio—30 chest compressions followed by 2 breaths.

  1. Continue CPR

  • Cycles: Continue cycles of 30 compressions and 2 breaths until emergency help arrives or the infant shows signs of life.

  • Use of AED: If an AED arrives, follow its prompts. Attach the pads, and allow the device to analyze the heart rhythm. Deliver a shock if advised, then continue CPR.

  • Hands-on skills practice is essential for mastering these techniques and ensuring you can perform them confidently in real-life situations.

When to Stop CPR

  • Professional Help Arrives: Continue CPR until trained emergency responders take over. Friends CPR courses provide valuable training for those who want to be prepared for emergencies without needing professional certification.

  • Signs of Life: If the infant starts breathing normally or shows other signs of life, stop CPR but continue to monitor their condition until help arrives.

  • Exhaustion: If you are physically unable to continue, it is acceptable to stop CPR. Seek immediate help from others around you.

Aftercare for the Infant

  1. Monitor Vital Signs

  • Breathing and Consciousness: Continuously monitor the infant’s breathing and consciousness level until emergency services arrive.

  • Keep Warm: Cover the infant with a blanket to maintain body temperature.

  • Choking Relief: Ensuring the infant's airway is clear and providing choking relief if necessary is crucial during aftercare.

  1. Provide Comfort

  • Calm Environment: Keep the surroundings as calm as possible to avoid further stress for the infant.

  • Stay Close: Stay close to the infant to provide reassurance and comfort.

  1. Report to Medical Professionals

  • Detailed Account: Provide emergency responders with a detailed account of what happened and any first aid measures you performed.

Importance of Continued Education

  1. Regular Refresher Courses

  • Stay Updated: CPR courses and guidelines can change, so it’s important to stay updated with the latest techniques and protocols.

  • Skill Retention: Regular practice helps retain the skills and confidence needed to perform CPR effectively.

  1. Advanced Training

  • Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS): Consider taking advanced courses that cover more comprehensive emergency care for children and infants.


Learning CPR, particularly infant CPR, is an invaluable skill that can save lives. Online infant CPR certification programs provide comprehensive training on the specific techniques required for infants, ensuring that you can act quickly and effectively in an emergency. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, sibling, babysitter, or daycare teacher, this training can equip you with the knowledge to handle critical situations confidently. CPR courses are readily available online and locally, making it easy for anyone to get trained.

CPR is a lifesaving skill that can be learned by anyone. If you’re a parent, it’s important to know how to perform CPR on your child in case of an emergency. The fact is that it only takes a few minutes to learn how to do this lifesaving technique, and it could save your child’s life someday if he or she stops breathing or loses consciousness.

With accessible online and local training options, there’s no reason to delay. Learning CPR equips you with the skills and confidence to act decisively in critical moments. Take the step today to get certified and help ensure the safety of your loved ones.

Get Started Today

Don’t wait for an emergency to realize the importance of CPR. Click below to find a CPR certification course and get started on learning this invaluable skill. Explore CPR courses tailored for infant care, including options for parents, grandparents, and caregivers. Your readiness could save a life.

Save a Life Get CPR Certified today!

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