CPR in Schools: Why Students Should Be Trained

CPR in Schools: Why Students Should Be Trained

In schools across the country, students are being trained in CPR. Schools are incorporating this life-saving training into their daily curriculum because more and more kids are being exposed to cardiac arrest. Whether it's in a school setting or at home, learning CPR is crucial for everyone—especially young people who might be the first ones on the scene for someone experiencing cardiac arrest.

Students help others in their communities

Students can learn CPR and help others in their own communities. But they can also use the skills they learn to save lives far away from home. For example, you may live in a small town where there aren't many people around to practice, but your grandparents live in another state and are getting older. You can use the skills you've learned as part of your family's plan for emergencies by teaching them how to perform CPR on each other so everyone is prepared if it becomes necessary!

Teachers are another group of individuals who could benefit from being trained in first aid techniques like CPR: If a student were experiencing anaphylactic shock because they're allergic to peanuts (a common allergy among children), having someone nearby who knows how to perform chest compressions could mean the difference between life and death for them--or even just keep them safe until paramedics arrive at school later that day."

Students will be prepared for emergencies

Because students are taught CPR, they can help themselves and others in an emergency. If you have ever had to use an automated external defibrillator (AED), you know how important it is to know what to do when someone's heart stops beating normally. Students who have been trained in CPR will be more confident in their ability to respond during a crisis situation, which could save lives!

Students may also feel more comfortable helping family members or friends who experience sudden medical emergencies such as chest pain or difficulty breathing. They might even be willing to step in when someone needs help outside of school--like at home or work--by administering chest compressions until paramedics arrive on the scene with their own equipment!

Students can learn how to help themselves

CPR is a skill that everyone should have. It can be used to save anyone's life, even yours! Students should learn how to use an AED on themselves and others so that they can be prepared in the event of an emergency.

Students may know someone who needs help, but if they don't know CPR or how to use an AED properly, it could mean the difference between life and death for someone close to them. The basics of CPR are easy enough for anyone who wants to learn them:

  • Open the airway by tilting the head back and lifting the chin
  • Check for normal breathing by placing your ear over their mouth; listen for breaths; feel chest rise as they inhale

CPR saves lives

CPR saves lives. It's a fact. Every year, thousands of people experience cardiac arrests in public places like schools and offices. If CPR is performed immediately, it can double or even triple their chances of survival.

There are several steps involved in performing CPR:

  • Check to see if the person is breathing (look for chest movement). If they aren't breathing, begin CPR right away by giving two quick breaths into their mouth (one second each).
  • Compress their chest at least 2 inches deep and at a rate of 100 times per minute until help arrives or an AED arrives on the scene

Schools should teach students how to do CPR and use AEDs

A school-based CPR training program can be an effective way to teach students lifesaving skills. Students will learn how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED), which is a portable device that delivers electric shocks in order to restart a person's heart. Students will also learn how to perform chest compressions on adults with no pulse or breathing (or children under the age of 8). This skill set can help students save lives if they ever witness someone having a sudden cardiac arrest, such as when their friend collapses during gym class or while walking home from school.

CPR training provides many benefits for students:

  • It teaches them about first aid and gives them confidence in an emergency situation;
  • It helps them understand what happens inside our bodies when we're injured or sick;
  • It helps kids feel less afraid of death;
  • It gives kids an opportunity for fun hands-on learning;


We believe that students should be trained in CPR and AED use. This is especially important for students who are going to be in the workforce soon, as well as those who may have children or grandchildren of their own one day. By teaching them how to use these life-saving tools now, we can help reduce deaths from heart attacks and other emergencies by making sure everyone knows how much pressure is needed for compressions or what rhythm is best suited for giving breaths into someone's mouth


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