Dog First Aid: Recognizing and Treating Overgrown Nails

How to Treat Overgrown Nails with Nail Trimming Tools

If your dog's nails are too long, they may be prone to injury. Depending on the degree of overgrowth, this can lead to complications that require medical attention. Keep your pet safe by recognizing when its nails need to be trimmed and knowing how best to approach the task safely and effectively.

What Causes Overgrown Nails?

  • The nail grows faster than the quick, which is the blood vessel that runs through each nail. As a result, if your dog’s nails aren’t trimmed regularly, they’ll grow long enough to cause problems. Dark colored nails can make it harder to identify the quick, while light colored nails make it easier to see the quick as a pinkish section within the nail.
  • In summertime and other warm seasons (such as spring), dogs tend to have longer hair and thicker coats which may hide overgrown nails–but they’re still there! So if you notice that your pup has been walking on his front paws instead of putting his full weight on them lately or if he’s limping as though something hurts him underfoot, take him in and see us right away so we can check out what might be going on under those pads of his paws!

The most obvious sign of overgrown nails is when one begins to curl around itself like an inchworm–this can lead to pain and infections in addition to making it harder for your pet to walk comfortably around outside since now he’ll be scraping these curled-up claws against hard surfaces such as concrete sidewalks instead of soft dirt paths through open fields…

Symptoms of Overgrown Nails in Dogs

If you notice that your dog’s nails are overgrown, it could be a sign of a health problem. If left untreated, overgrown nails can cause pain and discomfort for your pet. They may also lead to infections in the paw pads, which can make walking difficult for them. If you notice that your dog is limping or walking awkwardly on their paws when they get up from resting or lying down, this may be another symptom of an issue with their nails being too long.

Overgrown nails can also cause other problems as well: if one or more of the claws sticks out beyond its normal length when standing on all fours (the usual position for most dogs), then it could puncture the skin underfoot - causing bleeding and pain - whenever that foot makes contact with anything hard such as concrete surfaces outside during walks around town together!

Overgrown nails can lead to nail bed issues and it is important to maintain the dog's nail quick to prevent pain and other health issues.

How to Treat an Overgrown Nail and Avoid the Dog's Nail Quick

  • Nail clippers: If you don’t have a nail clipper specifically made for dogs, use human nail clippers. Just be sure to hold them firmly and cut in a straight line across the top of your dog’s paw, not at an angle. It is important to use proper nail trimming tools like clippers and rotary nail grinders to ensure a safe and effective trim.
  • Nail file: You can use a regular nail file or emery board if you want something softer than metal on your nails. Simply rub back and forth over each toe until it feels smooth enough that there are no sharp edges left behind (this will take some time). If you are unsure about trimming the nails, consider consulting a dog groomer for professional help.
  • Nail trimmers: These are similar to human nail scissors but they have longer blades so they can reach deeper into your pet’s paws without cutting too deep into their skin–which could cause bleeding and pain! Just make sure not to rush through this process because trying too hard may end up causing more harm than good! Using dog treats as positive reinforcement during the nail trimming process can help create a positive association and make the experience more pleasant for your dog.

Don't Let Your Dog's Nails Get Too Long

  • Long nails are uncomfortable and can cause injury. If your dog has nails that are too long, trim them regularly. Maintaining a healthy length for dog nails is crucial for their overall well-being. In addition to being painful for dogs, overgrown nails can cause problems with balance and movement, leading to an increased risk of injury–particularly when it comes to walking on hard surfaces like concrete or pavement (which can hurt even when you’re human!).
  • How do I know if my dog’s nail is too long? Look at the base of its paw: if you see blood or a dark area where there shouldn’t be any coloration at all (think black), then those are signs that your pup needs some grooming attention ASAP! Regular nail trims are necessary to prevent the quick from growing out.
  • What should I do if I accidentally trim too far? Stop cutting immediately! This will prevent further damage from occurring as well as reduce pain during recovery time; however, don’t forget about disinfecting both sides before applying pressure again, or else risk infection later down the road! Also, keep in mind not all dogs react in the same ways so try using gauze bandages until the skin stops bleeding completely which should take no more than 20 minutes depending upon size/type etcetera… Keeping the nails trimmed is essential to avoid injury and discomfort.


When it comes to dog first aid, an overgrown nail is one of the most common issues that you'll encounter. When they get too long, they can become painful for your pup and cause problems with walking or running. You don't want your dog to be in pain, so make sure you know how to handle this situation at home!


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