CPR Training: What to Expect


CPR training teaches you how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, also called CPR. CPR is a lifesaving skill that can be used to help someone who has stopped breathing or is having difficulty breathing. It's important to know CPR because it's one of the most effective ways to keep someone alive until more advanced medical care arrives.

What is CPR?

CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It's a lifesaving technique that can help someone who isn't breathing or has stopped breathing. CPR can keep blood circulating and oxygen flowing to the brain and other vital organs, possibly allowing them to recover from their injury in time for further treatment.

CPR should only be performed on people who are unconscious, not breathing normally, or don't have a pulse; otherwise, it's better to call 911 instead of trying to perform CPR yourself. Recommended chest compressions are at about 100 beats per minute (about 2 inches deep), which is faster than what most people are likely to do when they find themselves in an emergency situation like this one--but still slower than what you might hear on TV shows like Grey's Anatomy where one character frantically performs CPR while another pumps air into another person's lungs through a bag valve mask device (BVM).

Who Should Take CPR Training?

  • Anyone who wants to learn how to perform CPR.
  • Anyone who wants to become a certified CPR instructor.
  • What CPR stands for: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. It's the combination of chest compressions and rescue breaths that can help save someone's life when they're not breathing normally or their heart has stopped beating, also known as cardiac arrest.
  • A brief history of CPR: In 1960s Japan, a man named Dr. Kamenobu Saito developed an automatic external defibrillator (AED) in order to help people who had sudden cardiac arrest while they were alone at home or work; this device could be used by anyone with minimal training so long as they followed instructions on its display screen in order to restart the heart without needing any medical professionals nearby--and thus was born what we now know today as automated external defibrillation!

The First Steps in CPR Training

The first step in CPR training is learning how to do the right chest compressions. You'll learn how to place your hands on the person's chest, keep them in place and push hard enough to make a difference.

Next comes breathing: it's just as important as chest compressions but doesn't require much effort from you! All you need to do is put your mouth over theirs and blow into their lungs until they start coughing. After that, repeat this cycle of 30 compressions followed by 2 breaths until help arrives or they regain consciousness (if they don't respond within 5 minutes).

If there's an automated external defibrillator (AED) nearby, use it immediately after calling 911. Place the pads on both sides of their bare skin where blood flows close to the surface--typically one above each breastbone--and follow the prompts on the screen until instructed otherwise by emergency personnel who arrive at your location within minutes after receiving notification from dispatch centers throughout most major cities across North America including New York City; Los Angeles; Chicago; Toronto; Montreal etc..

How to Learn CPR?

There are a number of ways to learn CPR, but the most effective method is taking an online or in-person class. If you have the time, this is the best way to learn how to perform CPR on a human being.

CPR classes usually include training for adults and children, as well as infants born after 2012 who need resuscitation due to lack of oxygen (respiratory distress syndrome). In addition, many courses also cover choking victims and stroke patients who may need immediate care before paramedics arrive at your location.

Several different types of classes are offered based on your needs: basic life support (BLS), advanced cardiac life support (ACLS), pediatric advanced life support (PALS), and neonatal resuscitation program certification (NRP). These programs teach students how much pressure should be applied during chest compressions; what signs indicate that someone is no longer able to breathe; how much time has passed since ventilation stopped; etcetera.

You can learn how to perform CPR.

You can learn how to perform CPR.

CPR training is available online and in person, and it can be done in a few hours or over the course of multiple sessions. You may also want to consider taking an instructor-led course if you plan on teaching others how to administer CPR.


CPR is a lifesaving skill that anyone can learn. It's important to know that even if you do not have the time to take a formal course, there are other ways to learn how to perform CPR. For example, many hospitals offer free classes onsite or online through their websites. It's also possible for individuals or groups of people who want training together (such as families with children) can find free courses offered by community centers or nonprofit organizations nearby.


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