I've been a paramedic for more than eight years, and I've seen firsthand how important it is to know how to administer CPR. But many people still don't know what steps they should take if someone has stopped breathing or has no pulse. Here are some common myths about CPR that can help dispel any doubt you might have about whether it's something you should learn.
Myth: You don't need to be certified in CPR.
You don't need to be a doctor to save someone's life. Anyone can learn CPR, as long as they have access to the proper resources and are willing to put in the time and effort needed.
You can take an online course or attend a local community center class on how to perform chest compressions and rescue breaths for cardiac arrest victims. Certification is not required, but it is recommended by the CPR community because it helps people remember what they learned during their training sessions more easily than if they had just learned by reading about it without any guidance.
CPR certification requires that you know how much pressure should be applied when compressing someone's chest--100 to 120 compressions per minute at least two inches deep--and also requires that you know how much air should be blown into their mouth with each rescue breath--two full inflations per minute at least one inch deep into their lungs during an effective compression cycle
Myth: CPR is only needed if someone is having a heart attack.
CPR is needed if someone stops breathing or their heart stops beating. This can happen during a heart attack, stroke, or other medical emergency. If you suspect that someone has had one of these events and they're not breathing normally, call 911 immediately and then begin chest compressions until help arrives.
CPR isn't necessary if someone has fainted or had a seizure; it's also not necessary when someone is choking on food or liquid (you should try to remove whatever is blocking their airway first). However, in some cases where there's no obvious cause for cardiac arrest--like after an accident--CPR may help restart the heart's rhythm quickly enough for doctors to treat further complications later on.
Myth: Someone can never recover from a cardiac arrest.
If you're interested in helping someone who is having a heart attack, it's important to know the difference between cardiac arrest and heart attack. Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops beating effectively and cannot supply oxygen-rich blood to the rest of your body. A heart attack happens when one or more coronary arteries become blocked by plaque deposits in their walls or rupture due to high blood pressure. Survival rates depend on a number of factors including age, gender, and location where CPR was performed (such as at home vs. out-of-hospital). How long it takes for someone to receive CPR also affects survival rates--the sooner someone receives CPR after experiencing cardiac arrest or other serious injuries like stroke or drowning; the higher chance they have at living through these events unscathed.[1]
Myth: I'm too big to do CPR.
Many people believe that they are too big to perform CPR on someone. This is a myth and it stems from the fact that many people think they need to use their entire hand or arm to push on someone's chest. In reality, if you can't reach the victim's chest with your hands, use the heel of your hand instead--it will work just as well!
The truth is: there's no way for you to hurt someone who is suffering from cardiac arrest (unless they have pre-existing medical conditions). Even if you don't know how to perform CPR correctly, doing something--anything--is better than doing nothing at all!
Myth: CPR can cause harm to the victim.
CPR can cause harm to the victim if it's not done correctly, and there are many factors that contribute to this. The most important thing is that you understand how to perform CPR properly so that you don't accidentally hurt someone while trying to help them.
The first step in learning how to do CPR is learning what not to do: don't give up on someone just because they're unconscious or unresponsive; don't try pushing on their chest if they have an injury there (like broken ribs); don't try giving mouth-to-mouth if there's blood in their mouth; etcetera--there are many more examples! But all these rules boil down to one simple principle: always follow instructions from a qualified professional such as those who teach basic life support courses through organizations like ours.
There are some common misunderstandings about CPR, but it's important to know that anyone can do it and that it can be life-saving for someone who needs it
If you're reading this, chances are you've heard about CPR--cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It's easy to learn, and it can save someone's life if they go into cardiac arrest.
But what exactly is it? And why is it so important?
CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which means "resuscitation of the heart and lungs." That sounds complicated, but it really isn't! You don't need to be a doctor or nurse to do CPR; anyone can learn how in an hour or less (and we'll get into that later). If somebody collapses from sudden cardiac arrest--which happens more often than people think--you might be their only chance at survival.
There are many myths about CPR, but it's important to know the truth. Anybody can do it, and it can save lives. The best way to learn how is by taking a course and getting certified in first aid.